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Date Posted: 02:30:59 06/10/04 Thu
Author: Firelight
Subject: //lovely\\
In reply to: Devil 's message, "_Dont try me_" on 21:36:57 06/09/04 Wed

Deep chestnut bodice sauntered forward after listening to the exchange between the to. She hadn't been too fond of the obsidian stallion called Devil when he first entered. He had come in thundering around and yelling out demanding her presence. No one bossed her around, and you know what SHE was allowed to say that. You know why? Because she had worked her way to the top with lots of hard work and time. You can't just come in hang around a couple of weeks and expect results, not that she's accusing anyone of doing so. However she was quite done with the display and was ready to tell them so. Pulling herself up beside Annointed she huffed lightly to gain some attention from the duo. Then turned her chasms upon the ink stained stag her smooth vocals forced out.

"I believe he's a horse like you and I. Now we are trying to have a bit of a private conversation I'm sure Satiable could use some amusement if you nothing else to do."

The dark banshee jerked her lithe form away and a few paces towards where she had taken a stance before. She didn't care if Devil thought her rude, hell she was rude. And she had a temper, and she was downright mean sometimes. But obviously she didn't care one little bit. Windows turned back as she watched for Annointed. At this point she could care less if he still wanted to talk to her or not. She just wanted to get away from the ‘I’m better then you’ thing that seemed to flying around.

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