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Date Posted: 02:39:12 06/28/04 Mon
Author: All the Answers
Subject: .and here i am, again.
In reply to: Tiger Eyes 's message, ")not my dice to change(" on 00:23:33 06/28/04 Mon

He had been here before, not all that long ago in comparison to his growing age. So much had changed since then, and so much had not seen its chance to get started. Aph had not made it home, and so, as logic would dictate, neither had her unborn foal. Regal skull held aloft an arched curvature provided a good perch for his observant dark occuli. This was much less than a pleasure visit- the motives behind this visit were not favorable for Ans. Just the same, he newly pronounced King had a job to do. Sights befell a vaguely familiar ess- Tiger Eyes, he assumed- and Dagger's Rebellion, one of the few he'd dealt with during negotiations for Aph's return. If I'm not mistaken, Dagger was the one who arranged for her release. Not that it ever ended up making a difference. But that didn't matter now, Tiger Eyes was in a similar position- and Ans would return her home, unharmed. Well-muscled appendages traversed the topography beneath his scythes, brining him close to the duo. His skull was nodded in acknowledgement to them both, an amiable guesture for such a situation.
Tiger Eyes, I presume? I'm All the Answers, please call me Ans. Wish I could meet you in a better situation.
Opticals turned slowly to Dagger, the only one here he knew for sure.
I wish I could say it's a pleasure seeing you again Dagger, but you must know that the circumstances are not the best. Aph...well. I've become King of the neutrals, so it's only natural that I'd come.
He had his own job now, his own responsibilities- no longer doing Aph's bidding along with trying to run the terra she had discarded. Didn't make things any easier, now, that Firelight would sneak a terra leader. Somehow, though, the mahogan vagabond was not surprised- not one bit.

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