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Date Posted: 15:23:38 07/12/04 Mon
Author: Firelight
Subject: .]Hells Bells[.
In reply to: Het Vuur 's message, "† U Kan Mij niet Bedotten †" on 09:08:55 07/12/04 Mon

She-demon watched at the stallion's rather strange behavior. A grin developed over her features as he tossed himself up to regular standing. Auds flicked forward to catch his question and almost replyed but he broke in again. Chiseled countenace was shaken lightly vocals pressed for a sound. "No, I don't believe we have though not all have returned to the 'Greens yet." Gaze cast around the forest nasal cavities flaring. She was protective of her home and it's occupants even if that emotion wasn't one she displayed often. Turning her attention back to Het Vurr she retorted to his apology. "Not needed, besides the Lights might actually attempt some retalitation this time." She snorted softly not being able to help reaching out to press her coal kisser to his shoulder. It was a feat to apologize one she usually wasn't big enough to acomplish. But he really didn't have anything to apologize for. "Though it would have been nice to see you in action hmm?" She said softly as if pondering to herself with a sly smile at the stygian beast. However there would be other times and other battles. She wasn't ever one to settle for too long. Just enough to get rested, regroup, and make sure everything in the Evils lands was running smoothly.

[lol s'okay my post aren't exactly top o' the line either at the moment >.<]

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