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Enternal Light
Alpha Masculine: Magical Knights Alpha Enchatress:?
Walking into the serene forest, a cool shade soothes your bones. Dappled sunlight glistens on your beautiful pelt. Pure mountain water flows from the rocky crags of the mountainside. Stopping to drink the sweet water, you don't notice the beautiful bronze unicorn stallion glide silently up, untill he is right next to you. Silent green gosamer eyes stare into your own, locking you into his unbreakable stare. Those eyes tell you that you are always welcome here, whether you will stay briefly or permenatly. Refuge is always available from the obviuos or unseen threats. The question is, when he breaks the gaze, will you stay? Alpha Masculine: ~Magical Knights~ Alpha Enchantress:? Beta:? Delta:? Ita:? Seta:? Omega:? Coven:? The Herd: ~Secret~ ~Fallen Star~ ~Nylanna~ Foals: None

Subject Author Date
Patton 1970 DVDRip XviD DMZphirei00:51:42 03/29/14 Sat
Target Practice: How Companies Approach Their Capital Investment Decisionsraymiwelbe14:16:00 03/20/14 Thu
The New Writing With A Purpose, 14th Editionraymiwelbe14:15:22 03/20/14 Thu
canadian pharmacy nolvadex --- where to buy nolvadex --- is it legal to buy nolvadexLaura Bowers23:03:07 12/28/12 Fri
.::THE ROUND UP::.Sham15:27:49 11/01/02 Fri
  • OOC -- MAgical Knights, 19:06:48 11/01/02 Fri
.:~:.:Silent Cries:.:~:.Fallen Star16:45:46 10/21/02 Mon
  • Never -- Magical Knights, 19:08:50 10/23/02 Wed
Femme comes into the strang ttSecret19:40:23 09/25/02 Wed
Unlock a world of Secrets...Secret18:09:02 10/06/02 Sun
EVERYONE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<kk,THE OWNER17:42:25 10/06/02 Sun
FALLEN STAR!!kk09:54:11 10/05/02 Sat
Magical Knights...Fallen Star17:07:44 10/02/02 Wed
helpmisty11:59:12 09/26/02 Thu
MAGICAL KNIGHTS IN!!!!!!!!!kk15:21:44 09/29/02 Sun
i bored andYou'd like to know wouldn't you??19:54:33 09/26/02 Thu
hello!Fallen Star13:15:37 09/27/02 Fri
Grey unicorn canters in gracefullySkysong18:17:44 09/25/02 Wed
trots in...Pure Dreamz10:55:28 09/25/02 Wed
~Welcome~Magical Knights19:12:54 09/24/02 Tue

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