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Subject: Noises were heard from the attic......

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Date Posted: 15:18:48 12/27/02 Fri

as Emily played with the puppy, all the while the kitten watched from the window sill and filcked her tail. "I'll get you, you little runt!" she giggled and chased the pup around. The puppy kept running in opposite directions and ran so fast she couldn't stop the last time and slid into the wall. "Are you alright??" she said as she flew to the aid of the pup and got licked in the face. "Hmm, we need to name you right now!" the pup looked intent on playing with Emily's tassles of her sweater and then looked up at her with cute puppy eyes. "What about...Shyla!! Do you like that girl??" the puppy wagged her tail and jumped onto Emily's back, beings Emily was laying down, and howled quietly and then jumped down and gave Emily a big wet kiss. "Thanks girl, I needed that..." she said sarcastically but began laughing none the less.....

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Chuckles as she heard the noises from downstairs. (NT)Beth15:21:07 12/27/02 Fri

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