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Subject: Joni's Sechelt renaissance article:

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Date Posted: 16:02:08 11/05/07 Mon

Finding inspiration at her BC retreat, iconic singer adds bllet and art to the mix.
By Neil McCormack

I'll try not to kill you with secondary smoke," says Joni Mitchell,as she lights up at the table, The great Canadian
singer-songwriter likes her cigarettes, and at 63, nothing
is likely to persuade her to stop smoking now.
"It's one of life's great pleasures," she says, mischievously revelling in political correctness as she exhales a small cloud through wide nostrils.
Mitchell's speaking voice is a little husky, and her singing voice has noticeabley altered over the years, losing the high end and modulating into a sensuous alto, but she blames age rather than tobacco.
"I have smoked since I was nine, so obviously it didin't affect my early work that much." And then she diverts into ra rambling reminiscence of childhood Saskatoon.
"I would grab my tobacco and get on my bike, looking for a beautiful place, a grove of trees or a field, and go amongst the bushes and smoke, and that always gave me a sense of well-being."

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Article continued...w16:48:43 11/05/07 Mon

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