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Subject: most obviously biased/near propaganda article i've seen... | |
Author: Frank (US) | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: 19:17:04 01/29/05 Sat In reply to: Curnoack 's message, "British Empire" on 18:09:29 01/27/05 Thu wow...This article is obviously biased and so near propaganda that I'm surprised that any newspaper would print it in an era in which journalism is supposed to be impartial.... That being said... Ironic how all the counts of British brutality in African came b/c of guerilla fighters isn't it? I mean this article is pretty good may even forget that it was the British Empire that effectively began the end slave trade by outlawing it and using the Royal Navy to intercept traders...or that British Rule in Africa was significantly better than the Belgian or German rule (which was actually genocidal...)...oh yes and you could forget that India has an overpopulation problem...and has had trouble feeding its population even after the British left. One could even forget that British rule while certainly not freedom, did bring western railroads, education, and most importantly medicine to her colonies...of course no one would ever claim that Imperialism saved lives... "Britain's empire was built on vast ethnic cleansing, enslavement, enforced racial hierarchy, land theft and merciless exploitation." 1. ethnic cleansing - The systematic elimination of an ethnic group or groups from a region or society, as by deportation, forced emigration, or genocide. well...I dunno...last time i checked there were plenty of Indians in India and Africans in Africa... 2. Racial hierarchy-well u know while the British were certainly on top...u could certainly argue that educated Indians, etc certainly would promote an idea that racial hierarchy isnt really an agenda...and remember the British Empire did try to reign in the apartheid of the Boers... 3. enslavement- Britain was the first power to outlaw slavery... 4. merciless exploitation-to a point but remember in return western education, railroads/technology, medicine,laws(even Gaudhi applauded British law), and most importantly the establishment of trade routes...these were all given to the colonies...and w/o them...its far more likely the world today would look like Mexico... Oh yes...remember if the British Empire was truly so evil...why did Gaudhi call for Indians to serve the Empire in WW I? or indeed why would the Indians and Africans protect the Empire again in WW II...even in the midst of the freedom movements in India? The fact is while the British Empire was far from perfect, it was the best around...and it forged the modern world with its idea of free trade and globalization. Without it, I would argue that free trade and economic globalization wouldnt exist and high tariffs and no outsourcing of jobs b/c of them would make the third world even worse off than it is today. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
[> [> Subject: You should read "How Britian Made the Modern World" by Niall Ferguson. Excellent read, highly enlightening. | |
Author: Roberdin. [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 22:53:59 01/29/05 Sat [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |