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Date Posted: 12:46:04 11/15/03 Sat
Author: Cliff Orgill
Subject: Lost Gold Ledge Willow Creek Canyon

As a young boy growing up in Mona, Utah I heard this story many times but will relate it as my father told me.

My Father and I were deer hunting on Mt. Nebo in Willow Creek Canyon we were sitting on the North side of the canyon looking south and my Father related this story.

During the depression he said many of the trees of any size in this canyon had been removed for fire wood and he pointed out a drag trail on the South side of the canyon that was used to pull the wood to the bottom of the canyon. He said that a man by the name I think was Newton was up this drag trail and to the east of it when he found a ledge with gold in it. This man removed some samples and return to town where he told several people who returned with him to get more gold. However when they were going up the drag trail as he had done every day grabbed the horses tail to be pulled up the trail when the horse kicked him in the head and killed him.

The towns people tried to find the source of the gold but failed.

In about1953 I was in the boy scouts and it was a custom our troup at Christmas took food or gifts to the widows I happen to be in the home of the Widow of the man who found the gold and I saw the samples that she had on her fireplace Mantel.

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