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Date Posted: 10:00:18 03/11/13 Mon
Author: Frank Sanello (Creased with laughter and horror.)
Subject: Anne Rice has competition. Brilliant new horror/comedy book

Not since a reporter interviewed a certain Louis about his relationship with a vampire by the name of Lestat has the living dead come so alive as in Christopher Antony Meade's vividly imagined new novella, "The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama."

Meade takes the reader down a horrific rabbit hole that would have traumatized Alice. During the trip, the author somehow manages to link the myth of flesh-eating zombies to Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat, Pres. Obama's ancestry, what the government is hiding at Roswell's Area 51, the actual perpetrators behind the recession and global warming, the Three Little Pigs' intergalactic origins, 12-Step programs, what really went down when Osama bin Laden was killed, and the "real" source of Hitler's anti-Semitism which some readers may find a bit too gallow humorous.

A reviewer of Anne Rice's third vampire chronicle, 2002's Queen of the Damned, hailed the author for creating "universes within universes." The same kudos go to the multiple, interconnected universes of the Oval Office, Zombies Anonymous meetings, Buckingham Palace, bin Laden's unlikely fetish and other surprises Meade has created and which I will try not to spoil.

WARNING: Skip the next paragraph if you don't want to find out one of the novella's plot twists.

Before he's killed, Osama in Howard Hughes mode indulges his yen for school girls in uniform by watching marathon TV screenings of the "St. Trinian's" film series (1954-2007) about a fictional English boarding school for delinquent girls. Osama's behavior out grosses a similar but tamer (!?) scene in the South Park animated feature film where Satan and Saddam Hussein have anal sex in hell.

Julian Faversham, the title's zombie, is a gentleman of the old school who happens to be a member of the living dead cohabiting with Meade's alter ego and narrator. The fictional Meade, which a police inspector's report says "claimed to be some sort of a writer, although neither of us had heard of him," unwittingly invites Julian to share his apartment. Faversham pays the "rent" by playing Chopin nocturnes and Mozart sonatas on his music-loving roommate's piano.

"The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama" follows the style of classic gothic novels but adds modern-day anachronisms that lend the book its unexpected wit.

My only disappointment was that Meade hasn't given us more. The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama is one of those books that you wish would never end. If you loved "The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama," contact Meade and urge him to create a zombie trilogy.

Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker and Anne Rice, watch out! There's a new Gothic horror novelist on the scene!
Read the complete reviews and
sample the hilarious first chapters FREE on AMAZON.
United States.
United Kingdom (Amazon UK)
You can also buy it from many other online retailers. Priced at less than the cost of a packet of ten cigarettes.

-- Frank Sanello, author of "The Knights Templars: God's Warriors, the Devil's Bankers"

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