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Date Posted: 13:56:33 05/22/03 Thu
Author: Remoré
Subject: Blood and Water.

Blood and water

I watch, transfixed as the hole in my heart is fixed.
Scarlet, flowing, the liquid stops moving
Your hand so soft, on mine, my heartstrings are picked.
Why must it be like this, why cant it be the same?

My heart pumps, beat after beat,
Always in want for your heat.
Shaking, trembling, I grope and reach,
But you are beyond my reach.
Why must it be like this?

I fall short, my heart jumps a beat,
Fluttering weakly, a rythymless beat.
Falling, faster and faster, the world goes black,
While my hand trails down your back.

Breath rattling, eyes failing,
I see your face.
The heat,
Warmth, love,
The heat of your hands on mine,
Why must it be like this?

My head goes under, my lungs fight for air,
My heart pumps madly, weakly, desperately.
My hand reaches again, through the water,
To your heart, and you look away.

My heart breaks, the scarlet liquid flows,
My life,
On your hands.
A stained glove of my love.

I fall, my body fails, my eyes dim, my heart is shattered,
My mind comes through with the one question,
Why must it be like this?
Why cant it be the same?

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