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Date Posted: 15:28:50 10/11/03 Sat
Author: po3ticscrpn22
Subject: haunted

Im drained of all existance
Im drained of all resistance
you're filled with infested persistance

Now im stuck in my mind
when will it end
constantly occuring
when will it eternally suspend?
Its YOU haunting me
in my thoughts
in my dreams
no matter how much i fight
i will never be redeemed
I put aside all my fears and memories
you find a way to sneak up on me
penetrating your voice and image
i cant get away from you
leave me be
No matter how far I run
or attempt to scream it out
you always show your mark
and leave me in doubt
doubt within myself
its not easy i must strife
you linger and you float
you resent and you gloat
Will you ever stop and leave me alone?!
I'm going crazy with you haunting
me in my dome
In the wee hours of the night
i close my eyes and you're in sight
ghostly and pale you appear
you hold a key
and you hold it dear
you're reaching out
for my hand
tears of blood shed down your face
will i ever understand
why you come to me in such disgrace?
You speak hatred, patronizing words
antagonizing, taunting verbs
hypocritical you are
but you still find a place in my heart
Do you plan to ever leave?!
You confuse me and all that I am
you're still holding the key!?
I want me back
I dont need you
You imbody my soul
You cant make me whole
so just leave me be
and set me free
you've captured me
in every possible way
i cant move on if u plan to stay
Its you haunting me
in my thoughts,in my heart
you've made your point
now drift apart
You left my in body and flesh
All these memories im assigned to mesh
i strive to acquire my scattered heart
you mocke me
you tease me
you even try to please me
go away and leave me be!

Im drained of all existance
u penetrate my soul
Im drained of all resistance
im weak and it does show
You're filled with infested persistance
You haven't let me go

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