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Date Posted: 14:39:15 12/11/03 Thu
Author: blazed
Subject: my story

what a vile, grotesque display
of beauty in rare form.
an amazing glorified fantasy, reduced
to a brief moment of release.
a delightfully decadent dissapointment
-paused in potential energy-
desguised as a dream.

find the balance, i beg you.
the search has slowly secreted my soul
to the bottoms of my feet.
i've mutated to a mind of mere madness,
baligerantly meandering from
one distraction to the next, my direction
is lost. the coordinates cunningly
confuse more than they create, "closure."
-a cliche, a catastrophy of literature,
a staple in the states of united sheep.

in desperation, deliver me in death from
the disdain of myself. while diligent
workers destroy the dream.
let me be, and believe what you will.
the beast walks bold through walls
of understanding.

this is the end -to tell the truth-
i thought my tale would be illspent
on you. and perhaps it was...

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