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Date Posted: 08:00:42 01/05/04 Mon
Author: Carla
Subject: Jesus is Life

Everyone has different rules for the race of life. Some have a core ten, some less, some more. These are the absolute truths, the lines not to be crossed. They can involve many things, from the way to dress to the way to think, governing one’s moral, physical, and social actions. For me, the rules have been condensed into one: Love. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength."
At birth one begins life. We are each miraculously formed and with our first breath begin in on the marathon of life with the multitudes surrounding us. We are sheltered for a while from seeing the others struggling along, as we learn to crawl, then walk, to babble, and then talk. Then soon we are introduced to the other competitors. Each with unique talents and personalities, we soon discover that the world is not small and begin to run so that we can see it all. Yet what is the prize? What is it for which we strive? What drives us to continue on? Where are we going and why? Questions and confusion flood the mind, but are explained away…they were for me until one day…

Early on the road of life,
Trying to find my place and pace,
I was stopped by a stranger
Who said that life is not a race,
And advised me to stop and look around.
I paused to look amazed at the sight and sound
Some were quickly running alone,
Others in a group or lost in a crowd,
Some crawling and others walking.
There was little talking
Or helping each other out.
Not much caring and loving
Or discussion about what life is about.
Meaningless chatter abounded
And in the sea of people a roar resounded.
Each trying to find and use their own voice,
Yet all combined into a loud noise,
There was little peace, joy or hope to be found.
I could see that this race was not that long
For the finish line was ahead
And then the road was gone.
Before the end were mountains and valleys,
Rivers and waterways
To go around or cross,
Rough and smooth trails,
Hidden paths yet the same end prevails.
All were on the broad road,
For all had entered through the wide gate.
Each person carried a heavy load
And gained more of a burden
As they continued to run.

The stranger then spoke again
And said destruction and wrath was at the end
Of this broad and spacious road,
But there was a different way.
He gave me a glance at the narrow road
Against which many forebode.
Pondering and filled with wonder,
I saw this different path.
Its beginning was trampled over
As it diverged from the broad road.
It seemed abandoned.
There were a few that came
But joined the multitude
Instead of following as it led
And separated from the path.
The broad road had rocks,
Thorns, and shallow soil
It seemed right to continue to toil
With the others on this way.
Yet as I looked at the narrow path,
My opinion began to sway
For there was fertile ground
And Sonshine did surround.

Seeing the longing in my eyes,
The stranger then told
There was a way from the broad road
To the small gate of the narrow path.
This was a path of purity,
Sinless one must be
To enter at the narrow way.
I had tried to do what was right
In my life in my own sight,
But knew I had fallen short.
I was not righteous,
My life was one of sin,
How I wanted peace within.
The narrow way looked pleasant,
In places it went alongside the broad,
Although it continued on
Past the finish line,
But I could not see
What its end would be.
I wanted just to walk over
And head on the narrow way.
Then I heard the man say
That one qualify to enter in,
And wear righteousness to run
On the narrow path.

It was impossible for me,
I was not righteous
And had a large burden of sin,
I could not enter in.
I was at a loss
As to what I could do,
And then the stranger said
God has made a way for you.
In His great love
He gave His Son, Jesus,
As the perfect sacrifice
To atone for that which you bemoan.
The sin and shame that fill your life
And flood your soul with strife
Were paid for by His blood.
He made the narrow way
On which you must stay
To be saved from condemnation
To be free from a life of sin.
He has prepared a place for you
And will take you there
Where life eternal you will share.
If you believe and ask Him
For forgiveness of your sin,
He will forgive your transgressions
And through Him you will enter in
To the narrow way
For He is the gate.
Trust Him and obey.

How could I approach Him,
The one without sin,
Oh, how great my shame.
Oh, how vast His love.
I had a choice to make
To trust Him or to forsake
And continue on.
I had no right to approach
And feared the reproach
Of the Son of God.
The stranger was gone
And I was alone
Wallowing in my thoughts.
I had no hope, no purpose, no peace,
My fears and worries did not cease.
Filled with grief, fear, and shame
I called upon His name.
I asked for forgiveness for all my sin,
I didn’t know where to begin.
What could I say or pray?
I laid my life at His feet
And wondered why
And how He could even look at me.
His words to me
Were gentle and kind.
I was now His,
A child of God, the Father,
Forgiven for my sin
And given the Holy Spirit
To dwell within.
I could never earn or repay
The forgiveness and love.
Nor could my words say
The gratitude in my heart.
A new life would now start,
A life in Him
Who is the way, the truth and the life.
To guide me I had His example and word,
His Spirit to teach
And remind me what I had heard.
Love flooded my soul,
And He gave me the rule
For this life: Love.
Love the LORD, your God above all
Love Him with your heart, soul, strength and mind.
Love Him throughout all time.

Life is no longer a race for me,
But a journey to the promised land.
Every day a step closer
To being with my Savior and Lord.
My soul is filled
With peace, love, and joy
That no earthy thing
Or person could afford.
I love Him
Because He first loved me
And I am now on the narrow road,
My soul rejoicing and free.

Other paths sometimes appear tranquil
and give promises to fulfill,
yet are filled with evils nest
for in them deceit and darkness rest.
Jesus guides us by His word,
loving and gracious is our Savior and Lord.
He helps us to stay on the narrow road each day
and gives us others to help and encourage on the way.
I long to be with Jesus for I belong to Jesus,
He frees us and loves us so.
His joy, peace and love He does bestow
in our hearts as we abide in Him,
trusting and obeying, watching and praying
awaiting His return,
for Him to come again
or for us to go and be with Him
for all eternity.
What a glorious day it shall be
when Jesus we shall see,
when our Savior our eyes shall behold,
oh, what joy, pure bliss untold.
Until we are with Him
we have Him within our hearts.
We can abide in Him each day
as we follow Him on the narrow way.

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