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Date Posted: 02:48:28 04/29/04 Thu
Author: alex


This is the luckiest day of your Life.
I am about to give you an opportunity that Comes around once in a life time. This
program is brand new and ground Floor as it gets.. If you don’t want to try
this...don’t...by all means Don’t...believe me no one will miss you. If you are in
need of guaranteed cash in 24 hours all you have got to lose is a couple hours of
wasted time.. This Is completely free to you so you’d be a fool to not at Least give
it a try.

A). Get an email account....i assume you already have One...

B). Go to Http://www.webik.com/?r=1214

C). Sign up for an account. Its totally free and they Will fund you five dollars
instant into your account Just for signing up.

D). Take that 5 dollars and use it As follows. Click on the send money tab.

E). Enter the Email address in the number 1 position.

1. alex_tan555@yahoo.com
2. noslognv6@yahoo.com
3. alex_tan111@dacafe.com

Send the 5 dollars to the number 1 position name with a attached Note or separate
email saying "Add me to your mailing List".
Then send an email to the number 3 position Saying "Thanks I’ve joined". This
section is important Since this is what makes this legal.

F). Copy/ paste this letter into a word processor. Take the delete #1 name off and
move 2 and 3 up a place, put your webik email into the #3 position.

G). Log on to google or yahoo and type in money making Message board or business
opportuninty bbs... Etc. Post the new copy of the letter with your name in the #3
spot to at least 200 boards.You need 200 for this Thing to work.

H). Sit back and wait a couple of hours

I). Log into your webik account and ....like I Said....the luckiest day of your

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