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Date Posted: 20:41:14 11/01/04 Mon
Author: Web2Snail.com
Subject: Poetry for activists


When seekers of freedom
cease to require fist
the quest seems gained
turns transparent while
leaders blaspheme its name
Freedom this freedom that
Bring our freedome there
Bring it everywhere
It's days long dead,
And past the memories
that would stir our cities
en Mass, stop dead that
Blair and Bush in their Trackss.
Fast, pray and remember,
our history as it's told,
not in forgotten words
spoken by the unbold!

Send postal mail to the white house from http://www.web2snail.com. You can send to any address worldwide.

President George Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Prime Minister Tony Blair
10 Downing Street
London, SW1A 2AA

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