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Subject: *Sneaks out.*

Cyprus Bushtail Tamastru
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Date Posted: 18:23:54 07/05/05 Tue

*Cyprus scuttles out of nowhere, a huge grin on her face. Shaking her bushtail, the squirrelmaid clears her throat, her paws behind her back.*

I have noticed 'dat a lotta beasties have come back! Beasties like Ringey, Ruggy, Pinetail, Springy, and lots others! In honor o' dis, I propose that we have a...

*Cyprus whips out a bottle of cordial and sprays everybeast nearby with it. Laughing, she finishes her sentence*


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*Pinetail gets sprayed and falls on the ground, covered in cordial* Oh yeah? *He ets back up and throws a breakaway glass (Made of sugar) full of peach cordial like a WW2 stick grenade* Fire in the 'ole!! (NT)Pinetail21:57:28 07/05/05 Tue
*Lex mutters* What a waste of good cordial *has he sprays Cyprus with strawberry cordial* (NT)Lex Bloodwrath09:59:56 07/06/05 Wed
**Trilli rushes into the cellars as the Dibbuns for the cordial war are gathering. Yet, she keeps herself inconspicuous and sneaks along the edge of the wall keeping in the shadows. Sneaking along, she goes over to a barrel and puts her flask right under it, and then opening the tap, she fills it with <font color=lightgreen>mint</color> cordial, and then shuts the tap. Smiling evilly, she pushes all her weight againts the barrel and it topples over rolling over the stone floor. The badgermaid makes a grand entrance by springing up from behind the barrel, and then sprays some cordial at the nearby Pinetail.** (NT)Trillium Moonstripe14:03:42 07/06/05 Wed
*Cyprus is hit full force by Lex and she goes toppling backwards. Laughing and wiping her eyes, the squirrelmaid shakes her cordial bottle so it's nice a fizzy. Then, she opens the cap and shoots a spray of the purple liquid towards Lex. She then does the same to Trilli, who had surprised her by jumping out from behind the barrel.* Eep! Trilli! I didn't see ya!! Sneaky badga! (NT)Cyprus Bushtail Tamastru18:43:36 07/06/05 Wed
What the... *Pinetail is completely unaware that the badger had come, and after being hit by cordial, sets off the trap by mistake. He sits on the ground looking like a very sad, sad sticky dibbun* (NT)Pinetail21:07:10 07/06/05 Wed
*springy pulls out a heavily stained pink water gun* chewwy corjul!!! *she sprays lex* hahaha me be on cypie's team! *she growls at the other dibbuns, then shoots cordial into the air* (NT)springald da crazy10:08:59 07/07/05 Thu
*Lex opens his mouth catching the flying cordial* Maybe it won't be a waste... (NT)Lex Bloodwrath11:12:34 07/07/05 Thu
*Cyprus dives at Springy, spraying her with purple cordial. Laughing hysterically, she leaps up.* No teams! Every beasty for 'imself...or 'erself! *She then shoots a jet of cordial at Trilli.* (NT)Cyprus Bushtail Tamastru11:53:51 07/07/05 Thu
*Pinetail sees a large barrel that The sellerhog had just roled out* Heeheehee!! *Pinetail runs over ad tries to headbut the barrel to breeak it open* Wow! The stars look so close........ *Pineatil faints* (NT)Pinetail the k-o'ed squirrel16:16:55 07/07/05 Thu
*Suddenly, a small form dives towards the ground, and it is clear that it has just propelled itself from some of the higher barrels in the cellars where the cordial is kept. As the blur soars downward, pale yellow cordial flows abundantly from an open bottle which seems to be clutched in a small paw. The blur turns out to be the squirrel known as Ringe, and the tiny creature lands neatly next to Pinetail, letting the rest of the bottle's contents spill to his feet. He discards the empty bottle and produces a new one, then quickly grabs hold of pinetail and hauls him behind a stack of barrels. He then proceeds to soak his friend's face, until he finaly starts to regain consiousness. When this is finished, he leaps onto one of the barrels and empties his bottle evenly between Cyprus and Springald* WOO! First corjul war in fo'ever! (NT)Ringey!!! Who missed cordial wars so much18:58:10 07/07/05 Thu
*Cyprus watches in a surprised earnest as the fuzzball goes flying by. She glances at the yellow liquid and a smile cracks onto her face. She knows it's Ringe! She watches with glee as he pours the bottle on Pinetail and then is caught by surprise as he douses her.* ACK! Silly squiggle! Norra douse the Corjul War Masta! *Cyprus whips out a bottle and shakes some plum cordial towards Ringe.* (NT)Cyprus Bushtail Tamastru19:11:32 07/07/05 Thu
*Ringe's eyes widen as he is splattered with cordial, and he falls off of the barrel dramatically. Once he has landed, he begins to wriggle and lurch, moaning piteously.* Uuung, eerrgg, I... I... I been hit.. I-- I-- I d'no if I'll be able to go on... OooOoh, th'ag'ny! (NT)Ringe21:15:47 07/07/05 Thu
*Cyprus prods Ringe playfully, splashing more cordial on him. Smiling, she dramatically points a finger at the squirrel.* O woe is me! M'squiggle frien' is in ag'ny right 'afore me very eyes! (NT)Cyprus Bushtail Tamastru10:24:54 07/08/05 Fri
**Trilli grins smuggly, glad that her surprise entrance worked. She walks around for a bit, trying to find who she should attack. Fortunately, she is away, when the scene between Ringe and Cyprus occurs. As Cyprus puts on her dramatic act, Trilli sneakily shoots a jet of cordial at Cyprus, laughing maniacally.** What a traitor! Causing agony to his friends! (NT)Trillium Moonstripe14:25:22 07/08/05 Fri
*Lex throws up a bottle of corjul, wacking it with his tail drenching Trilli, Cyp, Ringe, and Spring* Muhahaha, It worked. Is that a bag of fresh cinimon cones with cream *Lex asks pouncing on them* (NT)Lex Bloodwrath17:38:12 07/08/05 Fri
*Just as Ringe recovers from the "agony" which Cyprus has so cruely unleased upon him (smile), he is blasted once again, this time by Lex, and he falls back down onto the ground, howling with another set of wails and cries* OooOoh! I don' think I c'n go on... Uggh. (NT)Ringe!21:15:16 07/08/05 Fri
sneaks outReguba07:25:36 07/09/05 Sat
sneaks outReguba07:26:25 07/09/05 Sat
sneaks outReguba07:31:55 07/09/05 Sat
*Cyprus giggles at Ringe's act and pretends to start crying when suddenly she feels herself become sticky and drenched. Glaring at Trilli, Cyprus shakes moisture from her bushtail and goes to attack, but is hit by Lex. She turns to the otter and sprays a quick jet at him before pouncing on Trilli and emptying a whole bottle of plum cordial on her head.* Ah HA! GOTCHA! (NT)Cyprus Bushtail Tamastru10:21:54 07/09/05 Sat
*Lex sits stuffing his face in scones trying to catch the 'attacks' made on him in his mouth...but failos miserably* (NT)Lex Bloodwrath11:58:02 07/09/05 Sat
*Ringe opens one eye when Cyprus leaves, and then suddenly rolls to the side, behind a stack of barrels. He leaps to his feet and peers around one of the barrels, and then waits until no one is watching before jumping up onto the barrel and blasting cordial right and left. Heflings cordial at Lex, as well as Reguba. He attempts a splash at Cyp too, but she moves too quickly and his aim is off* (NT)Ringe14:45:40 07/09/05 Sat
Pinetail gets up and looks around. He remembers he was in a cordial war, and pulls the cork out of a cordial barrel. However, he forgets to move out of the way as the cordial shoots out of the barrel hole. Pinetail is a shooting rocket heading straight for cyp* Watch out!!!! (NT)Pinetail21:50:48 07/09/05 Sat
*Cyprus is barrelled over by Pinetail, as well as the jet of cordial. Lying on the floor with Pinetail sitting on her, the squirrelmaid glares at her squirrel friend.* 'ey! Gerroffa me, ya gurt lump of a squiggle!! *She winks and sprays Pinetail with plum cordial.* Up up up! (NT)Cyprus Bushtail Tamastru10:51:50 07/10/05 Sun
SUPER CORDIEL FIGHT!!!! *starts throwing cordiel willy nilly* (NT)Ivy Leaf and Wonwill15:39:25 07/10/05 Sun
*PInetail neatly backflips away from his squirrel friend he had smooshed and grabbed a peach cordial bottle laying in a barrel of ice* hahahaha! Take this, Ivy! *Shoots at the newcomer, and hopes he hits* (NT)Pinetail21:59:30 07/12/05 Tue
*Bounding out of practically nowhere, Vinxliyar tumbles in, carrying two bottles, one in each paw. She shakes them up and busts the tops off, spraying the cordial everywhere.* BWAH! I gotcha wif tha' corjul! *She grins, but accidently lifts the bottle up straight and the cordial sprays up in the air and then falls back down, raining on her purple jerkin. She grins, knowing that it had just been washed. (Even though it wouldn't matter, cause it's purple anyhow!)* (NT)Vinxliyar16:38:30 07/14/05 Thu
*Seeing Vinx, Cyprus flies towards the ferret and latches onto her neck. Whipping out a bottle of plum cordial, she manages to open it and dump it on Vinx's head. Laughing hysterically, she remains clinging to Vinx.* Hoohoohoo!!! Silly fewwet! (NT)Cyprus Bushtail Tamastru17:25:27 07/15/05 Fri
*Seeing this as the perfect moment to use his secret weapon, Pinetail fills a water balloon with peach cordial and throws it at Vinx and Cyp* Fire in the 'ole! (NT)Pinetail08:48:59 07/21/05 Thu
*Cyprus is doused with peach cordial and she shakes her whole body to rid herself of the moisture. Turning to Pinetail, Cyprus lunges at him and shoots a jet of plum cordial at him.* (NT)Cyprus Bushtail Tamastru18:44:46 07/23/05 Sat
*pinetail is so busy grinning and filling water grenades that he doesnt see cyp's suprise attack, and flys backwards, doused in cordial* Pleh! Bleck! (NT)Pinetail20:43:38 07/24/05 Sun
**Chestnut sneaks towards the battle loaded with huge beakers of Strawberry Cordial. He sniggers evilly as he climbs up a nearby berch tree. He places the beakers carefully on a wide branch and awaits somebest to run below.** (NT)Chestnut Spiketree13:38:15 07/26/05 Tue
Yay!! Cordial! **Grabs cups and starts chugging down cordial** (NT)Fireclaw19:01:13 07/28/05 Thu
*Cyprus turns to the content Fireclaw and shakes her flask once more, letting out a pale purple stream of fizz and plum cordial.* Silly beasty! Corjul not fo' drinkin'...s'for CORJUL WARS! *Cyprus giggles and starts dashing in circles eagerly....right under Spiketree's trap, though the young squirrelmaid doesn't know it!* (NT)Cyprus Bushtail Tamastru08:57:23 06/04/06 Sun
*Pinetail lifts up a loose floorboard that contains a backup peach cordial baloon and throws it at cyp* Teehee! *Says in a mock horrified voice* Oh no Cyp! Watch out! A cordial baloon is gonna hit you! (NT)Pinetail00:11:18 06/06/06 Tue
*Rugbark throws some cordial at Cyp and giggles* YAY FOR CORDIAL WARS! (NT)Rugbark12:37:53 06/06/06 Tue
BUMP (NT)Pinetail23:52:15 06/29/06 Thu

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