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Hopeful Hideout

Walking along a tiny path hidden deep in Cascade Mountains, you come upon a sunny meadow. Birds call to one another among the protective ring of trees as a gurgling stream winds its way down from the far away peaks. Whispered voices and giggles could be heard from the long grass. As your ears swivel toward the sound, a group of fillies and colts burst into view. They race past you, caught up in their games. For this is Hopeful Hideout, the domain of the young ones of Cascade Mountains. Will you join them?

Lead Filly: Mystery of the Stars



~*Adults Allowed Admittance*~
Criminal Illusions *C*
Lil' Mist
Morning Sunlight *Sunny*
Silver Rebellion *Belle*

Subject Author Date
~.~.~.~.~.~ For YOU ~.~.~.~.~.~Jeo21:28:11 06/21/04 Mon
wanderingHayden17:57:01 03/22/04 Mon
what d u doshadowfax11:30:39 02/26/04 Thu
what d u dowhite lightin11:29:18 02/26/04 Thu
Please join the new Llama Section (NT)Brie04:39:05 02/24/04 Tue
~searches for Midnight Storm~Orbit17:26:54 01/22/04 Thu
...raindrops keep fallin' on my head...C08:39:19 12/30/03 Tue
Gallops in~*Candy*~07:53:21 01/18/04 Sun
~*The song of the star enchants my heart*~Crystal Storm13:40:22 01/17/04 Sat
~Painted Dreams~Paint14:25:25 01/03/04 Sat
~*The song of the star enchants my heart*~Crystal Storm18:18:06 12/29/03 Mon
~*Sugar Sweet Candy*~Candy10:36:12 01/04/04 Sun
|-| Where're All The Baby Horsies? |-|Sunny13:30:18 12/24/03 Wed
~*~Chrysalis~*~Silver Rebellion07:42:58 11/15/03 Sat
±-...After so long...-±Sunny16:23:40 12/09/03 Tue
~*Sugar Sweet Candy*~Candy10:10:37 11/23/03 Sun
Young stallion canters inFearless Hopes (fear)22:13:46 11/15/03 Sat
Painted DreamsPaint08:15:53 10/18/03 Sat
Pride over here!**Satr**16:17:02 10/17/03 Fri
Toccato & Cres's players come hereStars'player12:10:18 09/21/03 Sun
.:The Mist Of Suns:.Misty Suns16:46:48 09/16/03 Tue
...when the going gets tough, I'm outta there...C13:58:40 09/04/03 Thu
::walks in with Vara:: (NT)Torade14:05:14 09/04/03 Thu
Toccato?Riviera19:18:29 09/13/03 Sat
New BeginingsSarice16:04:58 09/08/03 Mon
BELLE WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW!**Star**13:54:40 08/31/03 Sun
plzz talk to me!Toccato18:04:58 09/02/03 Tue
A small painted foal canters in...Paint03:58:00 09/04/03 Thu
...2 days left, and things're sticking to slow...Criminal Illusions (C)07:10:43 07/10/03 Thu
The filly entersMisty Suns11:14:43 08/30/03 Sat
~*Alone In The World...*~Tybalt10:54:20 08/07/03 Thu
...behold the unknown...Mystery11:43:13 08/13/03 Wed
...behold the unknown...Mystery of the Stars12:14:56 08/05/03 Tue
~[She enters, a wide smile upon her chestnut face.]~Adelle14:30:50 07/30/03 Wed
¥ race the wind across clear blue skies¥Clear Blu Skies13:20:59 08/01/03 Fri
NEW FOR ALL FOALS AND PARENTS!!!!Belle- the player :)09:43:18 08/02/03 Sat
[sera, sera]Que Sera11:22:54 07/14/03 Mon
.: Nature's first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold :.Light's Final Honor14:08:44 07/09/03 Wed
...intricate flickering dance...Shiva's Fire23:43:05 07/01/03 Tue
  • (OOC:) -- One Last Dance, 21:26:36 07/06/03 Sun
    • Re: (OOC:) -- Shiva's Fire, 08:13:29 07/08/03 Tue
†.suspended.in.time.†Frozen Suspense20:49:38 06/24/03 Tue
|..|chiming bells|..|Chime11:34:18 06/06/03 Fri
*~*Never Too Late To Have Fun*~* Comet 19:40:03 05/09/03 Fri
*Chase*Vren15:32:15 05/28/03 Wed
]:the beginning and the end:[Catalyze and Finale17:29:04 05/27/03 Tue
Archives: 12 ]

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