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Subject: ...behold the unknown...

Mystery of the Stars
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Date Posted: 13:14:56 08/05/03 Tue

Humming complacently to herself, the chestnut filly meandered among the many trees dotting the landscape of the foal hideout. Sunlight flashed off her white stockings and wide blaze making her a highly visible target for any predator. But of course, there were no predators here, none that she saw anyway. She was feeling rather carefree today, her attitude evident in her light step and swinging tail. Coming upon a clump of particularly vibrant wildflowers, she lowered her charcoal muzzle to sniff delicately at the enchanting blooms. It just so happened that a bee had chosen the same clump in which to gather his pollen. Irritated by the filly's rude intrusion, she flew angrily into her velvet nostril. Snorting in alarm, she hurriedly withdrew in order to shake the insect loose. Buzzing a warning, the bee flew on about her business, satisfied that the meddling beast had been properly chastised. Indeed she had, for the filly sniffed with care at the remaining flowers.

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~*~Free At Last~*~Belle12:36:31 08/06/03 Wed

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