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Subject: ...and so it may seem...

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Date Posted: 14:14:40 08/13/03 Wed
In reply to: Belle 's message, "~*So are Bananas*~" on 13:30:34 08/12/03 Tue

~the name rung a bell, though he indeed had not ever traversed to the land before. well, thinking on the bright side, at least there were no mosquitoes to give him West Nile Virus. then again, what would the herd be like there? accepting or shunning? ah well, no use fretting about things that are not to be controlled. allowing thoughts of baking in the sun to slip from his mind, he prepared mentally for the sojourn to, or perhaps permanent residency at, Frozen Lake. nudging the filly in a mock cheerful manner, the steed trudged forth, allowing one last lingering gaze at the hideout before turning tail and ambling peacefully out~

Lead the way, Belle.

((ooc: *sheepish* Well, the speed limit was 15mph, but hey, I'll get better. *triumphant* I have legs of iron most definately. they are so heavy I can hardly climb stairs. *snicker* well, he'll reply after Belle at Frozen Lake since I've got company and must get off now. toodles!))

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Subject Author Date
~*See ya Later...*~Belle19:13:09 08/14/03 Thu
  • (Ooc:) -- Lil' Mist, 15:24:53 09/01/03 Mon

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