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Subject: ...time is running short...

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Date Posted: 06:04:25 09/06/03 Sat
In reply to: C 's message, "...passing out pamphlets of love..." on 18:22:10 09/05/03 Fri

...like a human with ants in their pants, the slightly shorter buckskin could not refrain from twitching and pacing. his gleaming coat began to show signs of dampness as well as the tensed muscles hiding behind the layer of flesh. glancing around with white-rimmed eyes, the testosterone-pumped steed could no longer bear this state. yup, just like a hurricane: everything gets eerily calm and happy in the eye of the storm, until it all wrenches back into the screaming fury. only difference is that C completely missed the first half of the circular storm. determined to do what is right and honorable, despite the possibility of death, the mustang set off. he did not even wait for Belle's reply, though he felt quite rude in that manner, but whickered a quiet goodbye as he took to his feet and fled to PI. it was time to prove his worth for once and truly make his parents' spirits proud...

((ooc: lol, i wanna fight 'cuz i miss doing it ever since 5e shut down *sheepish*))

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~*~Boys Will Be Boys~*~Belle10:49:47 09/06/03 Sat

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