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Subject: ±-...After so long...-±

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Date Posted: 16:23:40 12/09/03 Tue

Long forgotten vix ingresses upon familiar, yet changed terra. Optics flicker to all things changed and unchanged. A year had passed since last she set foot in these lands. Alas, she had done nothing important in her time gone. Her absence had been for naught. Yet it warmed her long-shilled heart to see these lands once more. That familiar spark begins to return to her eyes. It would warm her heart more to see a familiar face. Sadly, there seem to be none. Yet her gaze continues to move across the land, hope glimmering in her eyes and soul.

The beauty of the foals' land still brought tears to her eyes, as it had, unbeknowest to the others, long ago. And yet still more tears gleam at the corners of the firey femme's optics at the fact that those she loved were nowhere to be found. Where were Mist? And C? And Belle? They had been all remaining of her childhood "gang" when she left. Yet now it seemed that they had all took their leave as well. But still, she couldn't; wouldn't give up.

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...whispers in the wind...C19:21:23 12/09/03 Tue

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