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Subject: ~*~I'm Broke, the Birdies are out of luck~*~

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Date Posted: 08:12:09 01/07/04 Wed
In reply to: C 's message, "...feed the birds, toppins a bag..." on 14:26:48 01/06/04 Tue

ooc: yummers!! I looooooooooove Coco Puffs!!

An indignant snort and a baleful glare. A nasty retort with an equally nasty prank. Complete indifference to the entire affair. All of this, she had expected. Despite her preparation for whatever he might throw at her, the mare was nonetheless floored by his question. This one never failed to leave her speechless. Sure, his request could have been phrased a bit more romantically but hey, then he just wouldn't be C. Emotion swelled in her heart, a surging of the love that had always waited there until the day it might be reciprocated. Did C love her? At that moment, it didn't matter, her wildest dreams had come true. Her sooty muzzle pressed fervently against his as her 'chocolatey' *hehe* eyes gazed upon him with complete adoration. ~*~I'd like nothing more~*~ she replied softly, her feminine heart delighting in this impromptu proposal. ~*~I'm yours C, for as long as you'll have me~*~ Creamy tendrils of her silken locks threatened to spill over her crown to impede that meaningful gaze but the mare paid no heed to her impish forelock. For now, she was entirely focused upon the one individual she had been in love with for years.

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argh! Voy's driving me nuts when it doesn't post for me!Iva14:06:08 01/12/04 Mon

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