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Subject: clubs worth patronizing and dives to avoid..

lou m
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Date Posted: 20:52:39 10/05/02 Sat

this is the forum to post the good and bad of cleveland area clubs.
musicians and patrons can post their experiences and opinions of clubs that may not have been very hospitable or places that one would recommend others before they waste their hard earned money and time.

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[> Subject: Re: Pats in the Flats

lou m
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Date Posted: 15:13:21 10/06/02 Sun

pats is located at west third and literary rd on the tremont fringe.
the best thing about pats is pat herself. she runs the place without over managing and supports original local bands when karaoke or cover-bands may even be more profitable.
the only real negative of pats is that the crowd usually leaves by one a.m. leaving only a few folks left to appreciate a band that deserves better.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Pats in the Flats

mikey machine
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Date Posted: 19:40:48 10/08/02 Tue

yeah, pat's is sweet, but if you play there make sure you straighten out the deal with the p.a.... you used to have to bring yer own, but i'm pretty sure now they have one you can rent for like 20 bucks, er something, plus pat is a sweetheart...

>is located at west third and literary rd on the
>tremont fringe.
>the best thing about pats is rel=nofollow target=_blank >href="http://www.pbase.com/image/2977050/medium">pat >> herself. she runs the place without over managing
>and supports original local bands when karaoke or
>cover-bands may even be more profitable.
>the only real negative of pats is that the crowd
>usually leaves by one a.m. leaving only a few folks
>left to appreciate a band that deserves better.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Pats in the Flats

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Date Posted: 22:09:35 10/14/02 Mon

if speak in tounges can't be discussed as a "functioning" venue (cause like, it's not), then pat's is the best place in cleveland to play. 5$ covers, sorta cheap beer, and pat has about as many rules as s.i.t. used to. oh yeah, and pat is like my dream grandma. good peeps they are...

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[> [> Subject: Pats in the Flats

Derek DePrator
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Date Posted: 17:08:58 10/15/02 Tue

and if even you rent the pa for 20 bux (25 i think actually), call her a couple times between when you book and when the show is cuz, i made the mistake of thinking she'd remember and we had to do that outdoors show...which actually did end up being fun, but we shouldn't have had to improvise like that. -derek

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[> Subject: THE MANTIS, Kent OH.

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Date Posted: 12:39:15 10/10/02 Thu

mikey may have more to add to this later...

first of all, this place is run by the guys in LESTER. a good band and fine and friendly people.
i believe SAM is the main contact- (330) 673-4353
but JEFF runs the art gallery next door (330) 673-4970
i was told that 9:30am was a good time to call SAM.

the MANTIS is a lot like speak in tongues:
couches and chairs
lotsa decoration

there is a small PA and a few microphones and a whole shitload of broken instruments and junk.
i remember it sounding pretty good when i played there with SELF DESTRUCT BUTTON but others may have a different experience.(?)

basically, this is a "punk" dive. it's comfortable, dark, wierd, and the toilet could use a scrubbing...

as far as money goes, i'm not the right person to ask.
my ONE experience there was a show we traded with LESTER for a show we set up for them in Cleveland at the GREEN ROOM. they didn't get paid, and neither did we and nobody cared as far as i know. i would suggest trying to book during the college season 'cause Kent turns into a "ghost town" in the summer.
i would be interested to see what KIDDO and MACHINE GO BOOM have to say about this place. it's been there for quite a while so i assume that a LOT of bands have something to add to this little blurb, including LESTER.(?)

this post moved to correct topic, oct.10, 2002

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[> [> Subject: Re: THE MANTIS, Kent OH.

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Date Posted: 21:51:09 10/10/02 Thu

anything "like" speak in tongues is right with me.


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[> [> Subject: Re: THE MANTIS, Kent OH.

mikey machine
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Date Posted: 16:17:48 10/14/02 Mon

yeah, the mantis is sweet
i know of some people who wouldn't play there because it's not the cleanest place in the world, but those people need to quit playing music and get back to reading martha stewart
like a good little housewife...
they do have a website, but if yer trying to get a hold of them for a show, yer better off calling those numbers that paul gave...

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[> [> [> Subject: Mantis Bookings

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Date Posted: 22:16:48 10/14/02 Mon

actually, i've always done any booking stuff for the Mantis with Mellissa and Matt of "Kill the Hippies". they're a long time kent punk band (and damned GOOD at that) and Mellissa does alot of the booking for them. Being all punk and all, i don't think they'de care if i mentioned that you can reach them at 330.677.9271. big barn has worked with them before and they've offered us shows real quick, real easy, and you know...that's what they do.

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[> [> Subject: The Mantis

Derek DePrator
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Date Posted: 17:05:47 10/15/02 Tue

*shrug* the tellers played there in 99 when i wasn't in the band and i guess half the band almost got beat up and i heard things about people literally like smoking crack in the place and i heard a lot of other bad things about it. do they only do punk?

speaking of kent, the zephyr pub is still open isn't it? are they only the pub now or do they have the resturant there still too? damn fine resturant if i do say so. -derek

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[> [> [> Subject: mantis

mikey machine
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Date Posted: 04:13:58 10/16/02 Wed

yeah, our bass player bubba got into an altercation with some skinheads there some time ago, as for the drug use, namely crack, wasn't there a very prominent cleveland club that closed down a while ago that had crack smokin going on in the back rooms? hmm... oh well, i guess there's always the possibility for certain unsavory types to enter an establishment.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: mantis

Derek DePrator
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Date Posted: 15:31:06 10/21/02 Mon

i plead the fifth.

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[> Subject: Re: clubs worth patronizing and dives to avoid..

stephe d.k.
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Date Posted: 12:27:50 10/11/02 Fri

yeah, R.I.P. speak in tongues. life has been way too "normal," for me since that ended. A problem with Pat's is it's not all ages. I hate that. Viva the young. recently coffinberry played the Lime Spider in Akron. That place was cool, it's a bar like for real people (more commercial) but it was OK. We also played Annabels down there and that was a dive and nobody came. Can you still book shows at the Green Room? You can book shows at the Rare $2 Book Store on E. 69 and Euclid, that place is HUGE but there's no P.A. and the guy who runs it is a creepy weirdo.

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[> [> Subject: Re: clubs worth patronizing and dives to avoid..

mikey machine
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Date Posted: 16:24:13 10/14/02 Mon

yes, believe it or not, you can still book shows at the green room, the main problem they've been having was with noise complaints to the cops from the lady who lives upstairs, but she will hopefully be getting the boot from her apartment in the not-too-distant future (even if she doesn't, vince the owner is still doing shows)
you can call vince or jess at 216-221-8611 and tell 'em mikey sent ya...

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[> [> Subject: Da Green Room

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Date Posted: 22:25:02 10/14/02 Mon

the green room is a great place to play. it's the only place i've ever played where someone actually ran up to me in the middle of a set and said "hey you guys are great, do you have an album!!". so, it's kinda exciting like that. on the other hand, most of the crowd tends to be a few regulars. which is cool and all, you want to be heard by people who care about local music, but you might not strike it on with a big new crowd there. all in all, it's fun as hell to play, and isn't that what it's all about (awh...)...

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[> [> [> Subject: The Green Room

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Date Posted: 23:30:09 10/17/02 Thu

Damn, I thought the cops closed this place down!

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[> [> [> Subject: the green-room is currently shutdown.

lou m
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Date Posted: 13:10:07 10/20/02 Sun

looks like craig is clairvoyant

paul called me saturday(oct.15) with the bad news. hopefully they will be able to reopen in some capacity soon.

the show on the 26th isn't dead but it don't look good.


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[> [> Subject: clubs and shit

Derek DePrator
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Date Posted: 17:00:38 10/15/02 Tue

well yeah the green room's great if you live nearby and aren't incredibly poor and couldn't at least desperately use the money to make your way back home. i mean i love the damn green room exactly for what krist just said... i pretty much play there ever on the gamble that exactly that will happen, somebody will be like "hey you kick ass, you selling anything?" but...if that dosen't happen, i'm up shit creek. and pretty much that's about yr best bet right now, the beachland's hard as all fuck to get into, so is the grog, because everybody knows those are the only places that matter anymore. ...all the more reason for us all to play out of town you'd think right? well i'm workin on it at least, trying to. -derek

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[> Subject: the symposium

mikey machine
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Date Posted: 17:06:32 10/16/02 Wed

okay okay...this will apparently become a new thread to spew out yer anger at one of the more shady establishments in cleve-o...the syposium/phantasy/whatever-else-the-fuck. in my dealings with them (to make a long story short) here's the problems...the cheapest beer there is 3 bucks (even for the bands)...the sound guy likes to look at the preeeeety lights on the mixing console, rather than do his job...and at the end of the night after charging 5 dollars over and 8 dollars under 21, they took out 150 bucks of the door money for the fucking p.a. now, i don't care about making money at a show (unless it's waaaay out of town, and then i just want gas money) but i think it's obvious to anyone that this is just unethical. and oh yeah, the employees there are fucking dicks. my sincere apologies to coffinberry, quarter panel, and brandon stevens for not knowing about the club at that show

17:11 10/16/02 - moved message to appropiate gallery..

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[> [> Subject: symposium

ike turner
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Date Posted: 17:09:38 10/16/02 Wed

oops, i guess i shoulda just put that rant under the "clubs worth patronizing/dives to avoid...sorry bout that

17:11 10/16/02 - moved message to appropiate gallery..

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[> [> Subject: symposium/others

Derek DePrator
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Date Posted: 15:36:12 10/21/02 Mon

yeah... well, i wish this board was around before u played there cuz i pretty much woulda told you the same...i played there during my very brief tenure playing guitar for pleasure void, it was a goddamn nightmare. uh speaking of shady ass clubs, i guess one of my friend mary's friends played at bernies and somebody spiked her drink cuz she was really sick the next whole day and didn't drink much more than that one drink, that guy donovan works at little brothers now, dunno why he quit bernies

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[> [> Subject: HIFI

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Date Posted: 16:25:47 10/25/02 Fri

i pretty much think that any club hell-bent on ticket sales sucks. i don't know if the "phantasy of a wanna-be rock club called symposium" asks you to sell tickets ahead of time, i heard they do. but one that does is the Blind Lemon, er...Lemon Lipshit, er...HI-FI, yeah that's it, the HI-FI. i lived with a guy that was in Geronimo's Cadillac (a hippie jam band) and his whole band got into a fucking argument over who sold the most tickets to their show there. want that to happen to your band? go play the hi-fi.
otherwise, money and me have problems when it comes to music

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