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Subject: Re: introducing "the franchise" live at pats in the flats - saturday, oct.12

mikey machine
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Date Posted: 19:34:05 10/08/02 Tue
In reply to: lou m 's message, "introducing "the franchise" live at pats in the flats - saturday, oct.12" on 22:42:18 10/03/02 Thu

> so here it is in very short summation:
the franchise started out basically as a combonation of long john denver and the infamous davis mavis...i haven't heard all their new stuf but i'm pretty sure they still play the old hits...they're sweet
kid tested has a sonic youth kind of feel with some early sub pop inluences...they're sweet
small object A are a strange-jazzy-kinda band and the drummer used to be in figurehead and the washout corp. (if anyone remembers those bands) they're sweet
between the devil and the deep blue sea are four of my favorite guys from columbus and their music sounds like early black sabbath gone indie-rock, and they tend to beat eachother up on stage while they play...i don't know if they're opening the show up, but if they are make sure to get their early because...you guessed it ...they're sweet

>href="http://www.pbase.com/image/174598/medium">paul >> i consider a friend. paul has been in the rel=nofollow target=_blank >href=http://pbase.com/tremont/081002>Self Destruct
, Long
>John Denver
and the rel=nofollow target=_blank >href=http://pbase.com/tremont/mcshitz>McShitz

>pauls new band is named "The Franchise" and is playing
>at Pat's in The Flats on
>saturday, october 12. they are playing with three
>other bands:
>Kid Tested
>small object A (from athens)
>Between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea (from columbus)
>lou m

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: ok, shawn who plays in kid tested..

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Date Posted: 21:15:56 10/09/02 Wed

i told shawn that i would check-out their last kid-tested show at pats but i was at the 20,000 leagues evening show and when i got to pats it was 10:30 and just payed my five bucks when i seen shawn who explained that they had just finished their set and sounder was going on. since i seen sounder about five times this summer it was one of the only shows at pats i left early..
thanks for the input on the bands.


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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: ok, shawn who plays in kid tested..

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Date Posted: 22:04:20 10/14/02 Mon

you should have stayed. "once...i went to a rock show, and a hokey game broke out..." Har ;) Har (shhhh...)

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