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Re: Bad key problem?? -- Dstructr, 16:36:20 04/23/03 Wed
Yes i was thinking about it, but the problem is that the
port info isnt included in the glb file, so the only thing i can search for is the ip.
That would cause multiple matches if there is more than one server on a ip (like NW).
But of course i could add it and display a list of server matches with identical ip's.
Then you could select the correct server.
Pretty ugly, thats why i havent added it yet.
I'm still investigating the CK key problem.
For now, refresh the serverlist, find server and double click on it, then the key
will be refreshed.
The key is renewed everytime the server restarts.
>>For some reason, when I try to join a game using
>>DFPinger 2.0, I get an error message in game that says
>>'Bad Key recieved from server'.
>>It works fine when i use the ingame browser or create
>>a startup.htm using the joiner from
>>I am using the following URLs
>>any ideas?
>I am getting the same thing. I think what is
>happening is that the servers are getting new keys
>every once and awhile and the program is not
>automatically refreshing these. I think thi because
>when it does that if I go into pinger and reselect the
>servers on my list it is fine. Is there any way for
>pinger to refresh the server keys when the startup.htm
>is created so that it will have the correct one?
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Re: Bad key problem?? -- Kinnes*DFMax*, 08:39:00 05/03/03 Sat
I could be wrong but I took it the Bad Key error occured with public servers that require a novaworld login. If you click on stat servers and login then you can access nova login servers via the normal login & lobby. I may be missing something and you can tell me if I am but wether it is this or not you really should implement the ability to login to nova login servers before you then go to your DFPinger server lobby screen. Its a great tool but its useless to a degree without the ability to login to your nova account.
Cheers ;-)
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Re: Bad key problem?? -- Dstructr, 15:10:36 05/03/03 Sat
Bad key received means the server is restarted, and needs to be readded.
Dont remember the other error you get when joining stat
but it goes something like nova stats service is currently
disabled or something.
Well there is one way to join stat servers.
Add a stat server, exit DFBHDPinger.
Click play stat games in the join screen.
Then press esc to reenter the join screen, click on the nova stat server to join.
This worked in LW, havent tried it in BHD.
Well if i get too much sparetime some day i might
look into that login to nova thing.
>I could be wrong but I took it the Bad Key error
>occured with public servers that require a novaworld
>login. If you click on stat servers and login then you
>can access nova login servers via the normal login &
>lobby. I may be missing something and you can tell me
>if I am but wether it is this or not you really should
>implement the ability to login to nova login servers
>before you then go to your DFPinger server lobby
>screen. Its a great tool but its useless to a degree
>without the ability to login to your nova account.
>Cheers ;-)
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