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Date Posted: 20:44:05 05/01/03 Thu
Subject: Re: unable to download server info,server might be down; Error: socket readln aborted
In reply to: Spume 's message, "Re: unable to download server info,server might be down; Error: socket readln aborted" on 19:37:05 04/30/03 Wed

spume wrote
>"I also can't refresh the server list on DFBHD Pinger
>neither...roll on DF FAVES, so's I can drop your
>trashy prog into the bin."

I get that error message too saying that the server is down and it can't refresh, but I don't go around making an asshole of myself like u do spume.

DESTRUCTOR is only trying to make peoples life a bit easier with DFPinger, and he probably already knows that there is a problem of some sort, what he doesn't need is lame ass comments like yours dissing his program when it goes tits up once,u should be supporting him and not dissing him, as for DF faves, I had loads of problems with that at my first attempt too, I didn't see you on their forum dissing them!

Good work DESTRUCTOR keep it up m8.

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[> [> [> Re: unable to download server info,server might be down; Error: socket readln aborted -- Dstructr, 22:32:58 05/01/03 Thu

lol fucking idiot, go ahead delete it from your crappy piece of shit computer, like nobody cares.

It's working fine for several thousands of users.
I guess it must be something wrong with the tool.

The only reason for that error is:

And if you would have taken the time to actually read
the fucking forum, you would have seen that there is a
But i assume editing a file is just too much for ya.


> I've changed the lobby info and I still get this crap
>error message.
>I also can't refresh the server list on DFBHD Pinger
>neither...roll on DF FAVES, so's I can drop your
>trashy prog into the bin.

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