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Date Posted: 08:23:15 10/05/02 Sat
Author: Written by Ven.WuLin
Subject: Mindfulness of the Buddha

Mindfulness of the Buddha
Written by Ven.WuLin

The Buddha told us that during this Dharma Ending Age, the primary way to be assured of success in cultivation is to rely on the Buddha Name Chanting Method. Buddha Name Chanting is a translation of the Chinese term "NianFuo". The Chinese Character for being mindful of the Buddha "Nian" is comprised of two parts. The top part means the present moment, the bottom part means mind. "Fuo" is the character for Buddha and means awakening. So "NianFuo" means being mindful of the Buddha, the mind thinking of awakening.
In being mindful of the Buddha, what do we chant? "Namo Amituofo". "Namo" is a transliteration from Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language. It means to take refuge. This does not mean that we refuge with the Dharma Master but rather that we return and rely. To what do we return and upon what do we rely? "Amituofo", is also a transliteration from Sanksrit, meaning infinite life, infinite wisdom. Thus Namo Amituofo means to turn around and rely upon the infinite awakening.
What are the benefits of Buddha name chanting? Upon what principles is it based? The Buddha told us that "everything arises from our mind". In other words, the environment is a reflection of our thoughts. Not yet having become Buddha or Bodhisattvas, we still have discriminating and wandering thoughts, afflictions and attachments. Still have greed, anger, ignorance, and arrogance. The increase of these thoughts is what is affecting and shaping our world today.

From our disagreements in our family to disasters in our country to chaos in our world, Our thoughts of ignorance cause disasters from wind such as tornadoes and typhoons. Our thoughts of agitation cause earthquakes. Thoughts of greed cause floods. Those of anger cause fires. These disasters will continue to increase in frequency and severity if nothing is done to neutralize them.
How? Chanting "Amituofo" enables us to restore our mind to purity, equality, awakening and peace. When our minds are at peace, the environment will in turn reflect serenity and tranquility. Our thoughts create waves. In the sixties, westerners referred to this as "Vibrations". What we did not understand was the breadth that these "vibes" had. We simply thought of them on an interpersonal level. But the strength from the kind of thought waves is amazing, able to neutralize the turbulent thought waves even from other's greed, anger, and ignorance. Thus having many Buddha Names Chanters in a region will bring peace, stability, prosperity and happiness to that area.
Understanding the need for Buddha Name chanting, how do we proceed? We can gather in a Chanting Hall where dharma masters using instruments lead the group. As we would imagine, the effect from everyone chanting together harmoniously is the most productive. But if time or the lack of a good chanting hall make this difficult, then we can simply turn on the chanting machine in our home chant along with it. When working, concentrate on working. When finished, immediately start chanting. As wandering thoughts arise, pay no attention to them. Upon giving risre to the first wandering thought, immediately replace the second thought with "Amituofo". If wandering thoughts again rise, then again replace the thought with "Amituofo". Do this continuously until our every chant, every thought is being of mindful of Buddha Amitabha.
In addition to chanting, there are other teaching aids to help us in our mindfulness. When we first enter the cultivation Hall, we will see image of one Buddha and two Bodhisattvas. In a Pure Land way place they will be Buddha Amitabha, Great Compassion Bodhisattva and Great Strength Bodhisattva. Buddha Amitabha symbolizes our original self-nature. Great Compassion Bodhisattva symbolizes compassion. Great Strength Bodhisattva symbolizes wisdom. Compassion and wisdom are the two primary virtues for us to cultivate to uncover our original self-nature, reminding us to be compassionate towards others, to be rational and not emotional, to be awakened.
On the Buddha table we will see several objects. They are teaching aids not objects of worship. A cup of water symbolizes the teachings. The clear water symbolizes that our mind needs to be as pure as the water to be void of greed, anger and ignorance. It is calm without a single ripple indicating that we interact with people and matters with the serene and non-discriminating mind of equality. Furthermore, it is pure and calm, reflecting clearly and thoroughly just as we would see everything around us as in a mirror. Flowers symbolize the cause as the blossoms result in the bearing of fruit. This serves to remind us that there are consequences from our every thought, word and action.
If we wish to obtain the fruit or the result, we must first generate the cause. Lamps, which have replaced candles, symbolize wisdom and brightness, illuminating the darkness of our ignorance. Incense symbolizes self-discipline and deep concentration as well as the giving of ourselves to benefit others.
Chanting enables us to suppress our afflictions and to neutralize the negative vibrations from thoughts that create disasters. With fewer afflictions our wisdom will grow. This neutralization of bad vibrations and increase in wisdom will enable us to have a successful career, a happy family life, a stable society, a strong and prosperous nation, and a peaceful world. For the sake of all sentient beings, may you all learn and practice mindfulness of the Buddha so that your lives will be happy and fulfilling.

(Obtained from "FuBao" Magazine Volume Four. Published by Bodhicitta Sdn. Bhd. in Malaysia)

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