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Subject: Vanyel and Stefan

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Date Posted: 15:46:28 02/13/03 Thu

How many have had the pleasure of meeting Vanyel or Stefan? Not very much I would assume since they just got here. Turns out these two gentleman are mated. THats right I said two gentlemen. An older male mated with a younger. Oddness. Perhaps they are here to shake society. Haha. Anyways, turns out Vanyel has a son. Truely, not adopted either. Brightfeather is Vanyels biological son. Vanyel steped in to help a friend, a female who wanted puppies but her mate wasnt able to do it, ( sterile you know ). Brightfeather was one of the pups. Stefan is younger, maybe about 2 or three years old, and they met when Van stopped for a bit to rest with little Brightfeather. The two immdietly hit it off, and POOF. Here they are. What changes will come? Will any? With the unshakiable society of BPC get the shock of its life? THe world waits in suspence...


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