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Subject: Re: Voice Chat Guidelines.

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Date Posted: 08:00:45 07/21/07 Sat
In reply to: Caldoom KylAgain 's message, "GUILD MANAGER/S COMMENTS" on 18:35:18 11/11/02 Mon

Voice Chat [Vent/Teamspeak] Use Guidelines.

The use of Voice Chat [Vent or Teamspeak] is a great tool enabling Event/Raid Leaders to conduct their activities in a smooth efficient manner benefiting all in attendance, to enable this tool to be most efficient and of most benefit, please consider the following as Use Guidelines,

During Events and or Raids.

1] Keep language clean and respectful.

2] Take any disputes or conflicts outside of Vent to private chat or unused Vent/Teamspeak Channels.

3] Respect the event leaders method of accomplishing their current objective, while it may differ from what you have done before or a method you may know, take your comments to the raid leader in private chat.

4] Keep your voice comments to the point of the event, have fun with Vent, enjoy light teasing and banter during the quieter moments of an event but keep your comments to the point of the raid.

5] An organized activity using Vent/Teamspeak is not the place to discuss private happenings, offer to buy, sell or trade items unrelated to the event, plan other unrelated activities or events etc.

6] As not all players have or use Vent/Teamspeak, any leader is obligated to type important raid info for their benefit, allow the raid leader time to respond to any event related comments or questions you may have, most event questions can be asked and answered within your group in tell format, use this before disrupting the entire raid in voice chat.

Guild Manager.

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Re: Guild X/P Drop Info.Caldoom.07:37:07 04/06/08 Sun

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