Subject: Druid Template |
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Date Posted: 01:38:31 05/31/08 Sat
In reply to:
's message, "My Favorite TEMPLATE." on 09:24:55 04/19/08 Sat
Sorry for the delay but here is the Template I am using for my Druid.
Note: "Ring of Azure" is rare and expensive so I'm currently using the "Immolated Ring" as a temporary replacement
Chest: dragon netherwordly
22 Constitution, 1 Slash, 1 Crush, 1 Thrust, 1 Spirit, 7 Dexterity Cap Increase,6 Acuity Cap Increase,10 Healing Effectiveness, 5 Stat Buff Effectiveness, 5 Casting Speed
Arms: dragon black velvet armguards
40 Hits, 1 Slash, 1 Crush, 1 Thrust, 1 Spirit, 4 Casting Speed, 10 Dexterity Cap Increase, 5 Constitution Cap Increase, 10 Acuity Cap Increase, 40 Hits Cap Increase
Head: crafted etched wreath
28 Dexterity, 68 Hits, 7 Energy, 5 Crush, 15 Constitution
Legs: Crafted Spell marked
16 Dexterity, 60 Hits, 11 Thrust, 5 Crush, 5 % Power Pool
Hands: Crafted marked
25 Dexterity, 25 Constitution, 9 Heat, 5 Slash, 5 Stat Buff Effectiveness
Feet: Crafted Decorated
19 Dexterity, 28 Constitution, 5 Slash, 9 Power, 10 AF
Right: Druid Champion Weapon
6 % Power Pool, 4 Casting Speed, 5 Power Cap Increase, 6 Healing Effectiveness, 4 Acuity Cap Increase, 4 Dexterity Cap Increase, 4 Spell Range
Left Hand:dragon buckler mist
15 Acuity, 1 Slash, 1 Crush, 1 Thrust, 1 Spirit, 1 Energy, 10 Stat Buff Effectiveness, 10 Acuity Cap Increase, 10 Constitution Cap Increase, 2 Casting Speed
Neck: empathetic deathwatcher chain
22 Acuity, 3 All Magic Skills, 6 Slash, 6 Thrust, 6 Crush, 6 Matter, 6 Body, 20 Hits, 3 Acuity Cap Increase
Cloak: Glimmer Spirit Cloak2
50 Hits, 5 Cold, 5 Heat, 5 Energy, 5 Spirit, 5 Matter, 5 Body
Jewel: Egg of Youth
5 Crush, 5 Thrust, 5 Slash, 32 Hits, 8 Healing Effectiveness, 40 Hits Cap Increase, 12 Acuity
Belt: Jacina's sash
6 Stat Buff Effectiveness, 6 Duration of Spells, 5 % Power Pool, 5 Power Cap Increase, 5 Spell Range
Right Ring: ring of azure
15 Dexterity, 15 Acuity, 50 Hits, 4 Heat, 4 Cold, 4 Spirit, 5 Dexterity Cap Increase, 5 Acuity Cap Increase, 50 Hits Cap Increase, 2 Magic Damage
Left Ring: zahur
60 Hits, 6 Matter, 6 Cold, 6 Energy, 6 Body, 6 Spirit
Right Wrist: glimmershade bracer
22 Acuity, 5 % Power Pool, 6 Body, 6 Cold, 6 Heat, 6 Energy, 6 Matter, 6 Spirit
Left Wrist: Bracelet of Zo'arkat
5 Body, 5 Matter, 5 Spirit, 6 % Power Pool, 18 Acuity, 4 Spell Range
Hits: 380, Con: 90, Power: 9, Dex: 103, Emp: 104
Body: 28, Energy: 25, Crush: 27, Cold: 21, Matter: 28, Thrust: 25, Heat: 29, Spirit: 29, Slash: 26
3 Nurture, 3 Regrowth, 3 Nature
Cap Increases
25 Dexterity, 180 Hits, 25 Empathy, 15 Constitution, 10 Power
Other Bonuses
24 Healing Effectiveness, 13 Spell Range, 27 % Power Pool, 10 AF, 26 Stat Buff Effectiveness, 2 Magic Damage, 6 Duration of Spells, 15 Casting Speed,
Note: I was able to get all of the items - either purchased or donated by friends :-)
Peter (Allix)
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