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Date Posted: 01:57:42 01/02/03 Thu
Author: Navin John
Subject: Help for Football rural India

Dear Fellow Football/Soccer Players

I am involved in spreading football in rural India. I live in Kodaikanal a small town perched atop the mountains of southern India. I work with children here and have started spreading the game to rural areas and villages, where kids cannot afford any other more expensive game, and a football is all they need. They have lots of playing time after their school hours, others not so lucky to attend school, could take a football with them while they go to the forest to graze their cows, water buffaloes, and practice their kicks. There are endless possibilities. Unfortunately our funds are only from individual and self contributions from students and well wishers and are very limited. As a football player, I humbly request you to help us, by asking around and donating equipment to our cause. Any used balls, cleats, jerseys, shin guards, goalie gloves, shorts,/teaching materials,books,/instructional videos, (we also work with indoor football or footsal,) should be sent by registered post
to ensure that it safely reaches us,

Navin John
Convent Road
Kodaikanal 624 101
Tamil Nadu

Thanking you,

Hoping for your support,

yours sincerely,

Navin John

mail me at navinjohn@eth.net

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