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Poll- Baraka's Somebody Blew Up America
Opinion Poll-Baraka's
Somebody Blew Up America

At the 2002 Dodge Poetry Festival in Stanhope NJ's Waterloo Village, NJ Poet Laureate, Amiri Baraka, read a poem entitled Somebody Blew Up America sending a tidal wave of controversy rippling through the Anti Defamation League (representing the Jewish community), Gov.McGreevey's office, and across creative minds throughout this country. The Heron went tripping around cyberspace, reading reactions to McGreevey's request for Baraka to resign as Poet Laureate of NJ, a position which he cannot be fired from. He must wait out the 2 year period or resign of his own accord. Baraka's response was to stay put and wait out the two years, but all of this does raise a few questions which you will find posted below. Some our own, and some of people who's comments...some very irrational...made us wonder what the general consensus is among our readers, who's opinions are important to us. The ADL's letter to McGreevey, Baraka's poem, and his statement in response are all linked to at the bottom of this forum.

Below are 7 questions which touch upon the topic in both positive and negative ways. Please try to answer them honestly, you may be as brief or eloborate as you wish. You may use your own name, or a made up screen name for anonymity. You may post any questions of your own as well in a new thread, and may comment on other's answers. Please be civil and respectful in your comments to other people's answers, even if you disagree. Thank you for lending your valued opinion.
Opinion Poll Questions
1) Do you think Gov. McGreevey was justified to ask Baraka to resign as Poet Laureate?
2) Do you feel Baraka was correct in implying that jewish WTC workers were forewarned about the terrorist attacks?
3)A Poet Laureate is designated to be the poetic voice of the people in that state or country. Do you think one poet can truly speak for many different types of people, with countless opposing opinions?
4)If a poet is speaking on behalf of the people, should he/she be elected by them as well?
5)Was Baraka wrong in speaking his mind, even at the expense of those who found his comments damaging?
6)Should government have the power to direct poets or artists, even if such directives challenge fundamentals of the 1st amendment to the constitution?
7)If you were Poet Laureate, would you seize the opportunity to speak your mind, however controversial, or be more cautious with words or ideas you introduce, knowing you represent many?

The Heron

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Anti Defamation League's letter to NJ Governor McGreevey

Amiri Baraka's website, displaying his contoversial poem: Somebody Blew Up America

Another site (ADL) with Amiri Baraka's Poem: Somebody Blew Up America

In His Own Words: ADL's accusations of Amiri Baraka as an anti-Semite

Amiri Baraka's Reply: I will not appologize, I will not resign

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