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Subject: Meh

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Date Posted: 20:41:27 02/20/03 Thu
In reply to: Garridian 's message, "WTF- Who let the canadians out of the closet." on 11:43:30 02/20/03 Thu

Well, I'm not doing bad, so I guess I'm doing alright. Not doing a whole lot of anything at the moment. Had an 'incident' and I no longer work at Wendy's, which is a good thing. Took a few months off and didn't do much, then picked up a job driving a 5 ton truck all over southern Ontario to tire shops and scrap yards, etc. We recycled old tires. So, I made some more money (most of which I spent on beer, doh) and got in pretty decent shape. Stopped working there in late December, and haven't done a whole lot since then. I've got a course I'm doing by correspondence to get me the last 1/2 credit I need for my HS diploma, and then I *should* have a job at the factory my Dad works at for 17 an hour to start. Not too shabby. Still living at home, unfortunately, and both my parents and I are eagerly awaiting me to get the hell out of here. So, yeah. That's pretty much the summary of Bo's life after AC.

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Isn't a canadian H.S. diploma = U.S. middle school diplomame10:15:03 02/27/03 Thu

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