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Subject: IMO the bottom line is to have fun...

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Date Posted: 13:21:22 12/10/02 Tue
In reply to: Kaillus, Cail, Luxon, Diomed, and Odysseus 's message, "Any word about merging with another allegiance? We (I) need more resources..." on 12:37:31 12/10/02 Tue

I'm still going to bug you to see if there are any quests going on or something to do wherever you are (that is until you tell me to shove off). My game time gets split up alot and you have been extremely helpful with me optimizing my gameplay lately. The truth of my situation is after the holidays my game play will drop to almost zero. I have to go on the road for several weeks. Unless I get a road worthy PC that can handle AC2, my guy will fall behind alot.

As far as the Regs joining another guild, I am flexible and would come along, but due to my gaming situation will not push one way or the other since I may not be around tons to help it along after the New Year.

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You can can send me a tell anytime and how often you want man.Kaillus, Cail, Luxon, Diomed, and Odysseus14:10:30 12/10/02 Tue

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