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Subject: HI guys, this is one of Elite's troops

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Date Posted: 23:15:24 12/10/02 Tue
In reply to: Kaillus, Cail, Luxon, Diomed, and Odysseus 's message, "Any word about merging with another allegiance? We (I) need more resources..." on 12:37:31 12/10/02 Tue

I am sure you guys already know who this is, Blodeuedd. =)

I was really set on being an archer, but at the last minute, I thought what the heck, I will try out magic. I picked a name that was a wizard of mine in the past, though I do have a character named Blodeuedd on standby.

The big reason I went to Elite at the start of the game is because of the time zone thing. I can only play late in the evening, and that is when you guys are logged off already. We have people that play from all North American time zones, so there is always a friend online. I know you guys are mostly east coast, and I am on the west coast. I noticed in beta it was tough for me to run into you guys if I did not get home early, and with work picking up again, I really wanted to know some people that played at the same time as me. I hardly see Wumpscut online right now. =(

Though I have not spoken with Elite about what you are thinking here, if he ever asked me I would recommend you guys join us, if you choose to. Keep in mind we are small, but slowly growing. I gather we have 12 people right now.

I can also confirm that Mulvany left the guild, though I never spoke to him, nor do I know who he is. I do not think anyone really knows why he left, only speculate. It was in the first week of the game.

Anyways, if you would like to meet more of us, or just say hello, please speak to me at any time.


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Doesn't really matter to me.....Tariz04:08:20 12/11/02 Wed

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