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Subject: True Story

Dirt Nap
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Date Posted: 14:51:13 12/30/02 Mon
In reply to: Mau Xu 's message, "I can encase, heal and cast IC" on 13:28:45 12/30/02 Mon

But what sucks is that you are limited as far as levels go. They need to setup a system like AC1 where if you were above 50 you could fellow with anybody above 50 for equal XP sharing. In AC2's case, level 30.

Anyways, I keep seeing /a chat where somebody is looking for a group to fellow with on Omishan or looking to do a vault and I can't do anything to help them because I can't enter the vestibule being that I've already done it. They should allow us to go through more than once but only obtain the rewards once.

Thus the reason I'm rerolling. I plan to have 2 secondary characters going: Lugian Sage (Home Brew) and a Lugian Tact (Porter). The sage will be relatively low level (19-25) and the tact will be for Sanctuary / Linvak high level mobs (30-40).

Both will be powerleveling tools for the allegiance along with quest and KvK support.

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