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Subject: Ugly Things Magazine.

Tol Puddle Martyrs.
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Date Posted: 15:12:03 11/09/02 Sat

Ugly Things Mag/ October 2002.
In 1834 six farm workers from Tolpuddle, Dorset were found guilty on
trumped-up charges related to their membership in a clandestine trade union.
The judge sentenced them to seven years transportation to Australia, a harsh
punishment usually reserved for only the worst, hardened criminals. The case
was symbolic of the new struggle of the British working classes for better
wages and conditions, and it soon inspired a groundswell of public sympathy.
The six men became popular heroes, dubbed "The Tolpuddle Martyrs."

One hundred and thirty-two years later, some Australian teenagers decided,
"Hey, what a cool name for a band!" And so a new (and hyphenated) Tol-Puddle
Martyrs came into being. Previously known as Peter & the Silhouettes they'd
already released two songs on a local Victoria compilation LP, The Scene
(recently reissued on CD, it was reviewed in Ugly Things #19). With its
urgent fuzz guitar riff and stompin' stop-start arrangement, Claudette Jones
is an instant grabber (it was comped on It's A Kave In LP and CD), while the
slower, moodier Natural Man is also worth a spin.

Both are on this CD, along with the four great tracks they went on to release
in 1967 and 68 under their new, improved and historically conscious name.
Their first single, Time Will Come, is a foreboding slab of chug swathed in
eerie organ lines and dramatic fuzz guitar flourishes, while its flipside,
Social Cell, has a similar hardboiled throbbing quality that also connects

By the time the second Tol-Puddle single rolled around they'd obviously been
feasting on the Kinks, especially Face to Face and Something Else, and their
mood had brightened considerably. Love Your Life is a pleasant Kinky pop
tune, but its completely surpassed by its partner. Nellie Bligh is perhaps
the best song Ray Davies never wrote - and maybe the best Ray Davies vocal he
never sang to boot; only the Leopards ever came this close to the raw,
swaggering delivery of the originals.

Eight songs may seem short for a CD, but there's lots more on this enhanced
disc, including a deadly cool vintage promo of Time Will Come and a selection
of photos from Peter's 60's scrapbook.

Mike Stax / Editor.

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