Subject: Tol Puddle Martyrs. |
Peter Rechter.
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Date Posted: 22:40:59 02/28/03 Fri
Misty Lane have just released an E.P. of the Tol Puddle Martyrs songs on vinyl & this is the first review to come in from Europe:
MODPSYCHPOWERHYTHM'N'POP !!! Every Thursday on the POPISM show!!!
Tonight's reviews-section features the latest seveincher by The Stoneage Hearts, another piece of "little black vinyl" by The Tol-Puddle Martyrs and another great re-issue, by William Penn & His Palls, as well as the moderndaze material by the band's leader Mike Shapiro.
Since the POPISM web site isn't available at the moment, all the POPISM reviews could be found at TORPEDO label's web site on
You'll also find the cyber space adresses of all the participants, so that you can get more info on the bands/artists/labels.
13. THE TOL-PUDDLE MARTYRS - Time will come (7" EP; Misty Lane)
Previously “doin’ time” as Peter & The Silhouettes, Peter Rechter and co. changed their name to The Tol-Puddle Martyrs, releasing two singles which must be among the defining moments of Aussie-rock. Here, you’ll find both singles squeezed onto this piece of vinyl, making it one of THE re-releases of the year. There could be no proper explanation for the exclusion of at least one of the ’67 debut single’s sides on the “Nuggets II”set. “Time will come”, with it’s rolling bass line and spooky organ screams, is an obvious, supercommercial transglobal hit that never was, backed with an equally great “Social cell” that will surely bring Yardbirds flash-Becks into your mynds. By the time of their second single in 1968, the ‘Martyrs had became far more melodic, sheding an evident Ray-of-light onto “Love your life”, which also adds some of the Stones-at-their-most-“colourful”, as well as a bit surprising “For your love” intro, and “Nellie Bligh” is a song that you wouldn’t mind hearing on any given “sunny afternoon”.
Though the band comes from across the ocean, they provide a perfect overview of the Swinging London sound. Complete with the liner notes by Ugly Things’ editor Mike Stax and Lance Monthly columnist Beverly Patterson, you get another usual high class packaging, comin’ down the Misty Lane, making it look even better than the original ..... again, as usual.
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All the best from Oz.
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