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Subject: Re: Tol Puddle Martyrs/Misty Lane Records.

Peter Sjoblom
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Date Posted: 04:27:11 06/30/03 Mon
In reply to: Beverly Paterson. 's message, "Tol Puddle Martyrs/Misty Lane Records." on 22:31:58 04/16/03 Wed

"Tol-Puddle Martyrs"
"Time Will Come"
Secret Deals/import

The Australian 60's haven't achieved quite the same reputation as the British and American counterparts. It's a pity since the Australian blend of the Brits'
experimantal psych and the American raw sounding garage rock often were just as good - if not better! - than the originals. Many bands made not more than a couple of singles, among them Peter and the Silhouettes and Tol-Puddle Martyrs. Their small but
great output of three seven inches is now collected on the mini album simply entitled 'Tol-Puddle Martyrs'. The link between these bands together is Peter Rechter who also wrote nuggets like 'Claudette Jones' and 'Time Will Come'. The latter in particular is a killer and a perfect example of rough and hard hitting garage pop.
The album concludes with new recordings of these two tracks, culled from the debut album from Rechter's current band, the Secrets. The sound is of cxourse
modernized but a good song is a good song, and both 'Claudette Jones' and 'Time Will Come' are the highlights of the Secrets' debut. A debut characterized by catchy, enthusiastic pop with a light 80's touch. There's plenty of hooks and you can sense a great
commercial potential. Pity if the lack of decent distriubtion would get in the way.
(Order from :

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