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Unicorn Key Passwords 2012 Descargar Gratis -- laulamol, 14:03:16 01/24/14 Fri

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Edwins Restaurant Best Caribbean Feast in Canada -- Sanita John, 06:39:32 02/17/12 Fri

You can find the best Caribbean Feast Restaurants in Canada. Take a time a get visited to Edwins Restaurant. We are committed to ensure that your visit to our establishment will be most enjoyable and memorable. All our menu selections are freshly done.

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Home base jobs -- irfanalishah (prograssive jobs), 21:18:47 05/29/10 Sat

Hey ~
Now you can earn money easy from Home base jobs,Here now A lot of online jobs, some like summer jobs , Data entry , and Other types of onlinejobs from where you can easy earn money ,You can earn $ 200-$1000 from this online programe ,, and Many companies provides to serf thier online task by sitting at home ,, Now best of luck,

Here a many types of website from where you can find jobs opportunities
For data Entry Jobs seeks: http://www.prograssivejobs.com/dej.htm
Good bye

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!EVIL NACKT! -- Evil Nackt, 14:24:01 07/09/05 Sat

Hi everybody! I have just read a couple of threads here and like this forum a lot. I’ll be back ☺
Evil Nackt

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legend -- Kurfein, 10:19:35 11/15/01 Thu

I wanna play legend and can't get it!!!!!
Can someone contact me telling me where I can get it?
Or tabes, fix your website.
See YA

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chugga chugga -- Todd (a sack of hammers by trade), 02:01:02 10/30/01 Tue


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musica makina -- pontaeristyles, 11:45:37 10/28/01 Sun





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stuck -- roz's sister, 18:45:46 09/30/01 Sun

hmm fair doos, right i will have to resort to the last option of severly smashing up my puter as it doesn not want to work properly.........
nah its ok i have a back up plan - genius friends, who being the cute little geks that they are will remove it..... i hope
hope everything is well at uni, speak to you later maybe

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Bacon and Ham Processing -- Stumpy, 15:37:56 09/29/01 Sat

Bacon and Ham Processing


(1) To show the processing parameters used to manufacture bacon and ham.
(2) To describe the use of new technology to manufacture hams.
(3) To discuss thermal processing and smoking of meat.

Reading material: Principles of Meat Science (3rd ed.), Chapter 7, pages 133 to 171.


Bacon processing
Fresh pork bellies are shipped to processing companies in large containers called "combo bins."

Individual bellies undergo the following before being converted into sliced bacon for the consumer:

Skinned (using a Townsend skinner)
Trimmed of ragged edges (using Whizard knives)
Pumped (usually Townsend injector)
Placed on bacon combs and put on trees or trucks for thermal processing
Thermal processing
Slicing (Anco slicer)
Premium slices
Secondary slices
Ends and pieces
Ham processing
There are three general ham processing systems depending on the ultimate product:

Traditional bone-in cured/smoked ham
Boneless, premium ham
Boneless, sectioned or chopped and formed ham
Traditional bone-in cured/smoked ham
Made in the following sequence:

Arrive at processing plant in "combo bins" in weight range categories
Trimmed of some of the collar fat and skin (Townsend skinner)
Placed on tree or truck for thermal processing
Thermal processed
Wrapped with paper
Boneless, premium ham
Hams are received as usual, but are completely defatted and deseamed.
Premium muscles -- semimembranosus-adductor and biceps femoris- semitendinosus -- are used. Usually only the semimembranosus-adductor muscles are used to make hams such as Hormel's Cure 81®.

Muscles are injected
Cured muscles undergo massaging or tumbling
Massaging and Tumbling
Muscles are netted together or placed in casings (usually 2 or 1-1/2)
Ham molds are placed on the product before thermal processing to give shape
Thermal processing
Cutting in half (for some of the hams)
Boneless, sectioned or chopped and formed
These are made virtually the same way that the premium hams are except that the biceps femoris-semitendinosus muscles are chopped or sectioned into smaller pieces along with muscles from the shank and the knuckle. Tumbling and massaging are used to cause the pieces to "stick" together.
Bacon -- 120 ppm in-going sodium nitrite or 148 ppm in-going potassium nitrite; 550 ppm of ascorbates or erythorbates. For dry cured bacon, 200 ppm in-going sodium nitrite or 246 ppm in-going potassium nitrite.

Maximum final weight = 100 percent of green weight

Hams -- 200 ppm in-going nitrite; 550 ppm of ascorbates or erythorbates

Maximum final weight = Depends on PFF regulations

Thermal processing
Bacon -- target temperature = 124 to 126°F

Hams -- must reach at least 144°F (must reach 144°F to kill trichinella spiralis instantly)

Thermal processing is used to "set" the premium and section and formed hams (heat coagulable proteins). Cooked hams must reach 150°F.

Combustion of moist sawdust (hardwood) or the use of liquid smoke

Bacteriostatic or bactericidal properties


Review of Material -- What the student should know:
(1) The different muscles and processes used to make different kinds of boneless hams.

(2) Equipment and processes for curing and smoking bacon.

(3) Regulatory aspects of bacon and ham processing.

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How u doin -- Sturdz, 11:44:38 09/29/01 Sat

YO niggaz, chillin in newcastle at the mo, fukin hell this place is so fukin good, last nite some guy shagged a cow 4 £150 & hes also eaten a cow shit for £60, i dint c it but u get the picture of wot kinda shit goes down. so hows hors4th guess yitz steve n tony will b gettin bored soon coz every1 will b leavin, well dont dispair coz im comin back to visit on the 19th oct.

yo ravaz guess space has reopened wunt mid goin but it dont matter coz sundissential plays in newcastle neway n next thurs jez n charlie r playing, nice. yo cox if u chek this out from espanga word up n il c u in the summer.

erm runnin low on skunk so if ne1 fancies sendin me a nice package then feel free, chief has shagged sum lass n there r some amazin birds up here, every where u look u cream ur undies.

slackers u got ur selves a job yet then? lol thought not n tsoi hows the course goin.
rite im off now so chek u in 3 weeks
laterz sturdz

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ponders... -- tabes, 22:48:36 09/28/01 Fri

hello roz's sister
i find the most effective way is to right-click it and choose "delete", but im assuming youve already done that.
never having come across a situation whereby "right-clicking it and choosing delete" hasnt worked, am i unaware of other methods of removing such a class piece of software. i cant see it making too much of a difference either, the unzipped size of the game isnt more than 3 meg. so i don't really know
now you see why i got an E at a level

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help -- roz's sister, 21:49:43 09/27/01 Thu

umm hey tabes i need your help, our puter is fully scrwed and by no choice of mine we need to delete ledgend of horsford, and it wont, can you please tell me how to do soo so that our puter will increase the size of its virtualmemory thingamabobby

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aiii -- tabes, 17:16:09 09/25/01 Tue

aiiiii G humberside is well massive constant raves aiii

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So yer dead then eh? -- DaVinci, 02:37:22 09/22/01 Sat

So you're dead eh??
head clipped off in a car?
too bad that..

Got any gum?

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wots hull like? -- chief, 14:09:09 09/17/01 Mon

aiiiiiiii, how is humberside? i is in newcastle and it is wicked! nniicce!!!!!!!

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wot -- tabes, 17:46:15 09/12/01 Wed

err yeah car crash

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dead or alive -- --^--^--^--, 14:28:55 09/11/01 Tue

james are you still alive? somebody said that you got killed in a car crash, apparently you got decapitated

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geek and his tabe dancing.... -- some random girl, 00:13:01 09/05/01 Wed

sorry i am mistaken, ive found what you were on about, why is their no mention of what you got u too, did you not have any weird experiances or are they just too weird?

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more of spain! -- some random girl, 00:11:14 09/05/01 Wed

eh what are you on about geeks table dancing took a look at the pics all i can sayis niiiiccccceeeee...... uh hemm... but yeah there aint one geek on the table dancing.
i take it your results musthave been ok, but a lot of people were well pissed off with their marks....
you have not called me some random girl before,sorry to dissapoint....

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don't bother -- skidz, 20:13:20 09/03/01 Mon

don't bother tabes

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spain -- tony, 16:08:55 08/19/01 Sun

lol, wicked spain pics tabes, niiiice. and the spain cru section is well gud.
u gonna cum out with the cru sometime or what.

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uno cripello -- tabes, 13:54:28 08/17/01 Fri

i cant think who u r but if ive called you some random girl before than i am deeply sorry.
check the new spain section for details of Geeks table dancing.
who r u????

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geek and his cast...... -- some random girl, 09:37:08 08/16/01 Thu

ahh right i see, geek the little casanova boy eh? so did it work.
i hope your a-level results go ok.
as for who i am, i could have sworn that from the name you'd know......

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skit on crips -- tabes, 18:23:50 08/14/01 Tue

spain pics up tommorow
geek didnt really hurt his ankle he was faking it so he could get girls to sign his cast lol
who r u

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spain pics..... -- some radom girl, 14:57:44 08/14/01 Tue

yo tabes,
i wont say who i am, but i was just wondering when your pictures of spain will be up, and what happened to bboy g? i heard he screwed up his ankle? shitbags for him i guess.....
anywho yeah you should put them up, people wanna the evidence of what you got up too......maybe thats just me though.....

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Auction of the Jessica. -- DaVinci, 22:59:38 08/12/01 Sun

Shit...I missed the auction...

U could post another pic of her if u have one tho..
I dont think anyone would mind.

Tabes,u make mention of 'new pics' of maries 19th bday as being posted somewhere in this green site...
Is this another trick question...?
Ill be screwed if i can find them....

Yore e mail addy doesnt work either...
tabes@tabes.cjb.net comes back as "hes dead"

greeb finally killed the acboutson site eh? hahaahahah

greebworld 6 is up and running with all new stuff...

with johnny lydon providing the entertainment

*lost in the foothills of mount maud*


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cds -- yitz, 18:33:36 08/06/01 Mon

james i would like to borrow your cds and will be round to collect them soon, if you do not open the door i will use necessary force to obtain the tunes.
thankyou and i hope for your sake that you co-operate.

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USEFUL SPANISH PHRASES -- Tabes, 11:50:42 07/23/01 Mon


Are you in the house alone?
Esta usted in la casa solamente?

The golden pickle lives!
El pepino de oro vive!

the chicken of death
el pollo de meuerte

rubber monkey
mono del goma

Am I just stoned?
Apenas me empiedran?

Who's your daddy?
Quien es su papi?

Where is the bathroom?
Donde esta el baño?

Where Are the casualties, sir?
Donde estan las muertes, señor?

Daddy, would you like some sausage?
Papi, usted tienen gusto de un poco de salchica?


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LIVE AUCTION -- teeebo, 11:46:14 07/23/01 Mon

As requested, Jessica will be online to be auctioned off to the highest bidder on the 25th of July 09:00pm BST.
Potential buyers should be cautious when handling.

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Jessica -- DaVinci5156, 18:39:57 06/28/01 Thu

how much do u want for more pics of Jessica...
or better still
how much for the girl herself


talk about well fit

If u read this jessica,hehehe if you ever find yourself in Canada...ill be more then happy to keep u well entertained...


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Geeks toe -- mawson, 18:50:49 06/27/01 Wed

Yo tabes, i don't remember that photo being taken of geeks toe! Geek: I'm really really sorry!! My shoes are lethal!!
nice to see my pic on ur site as well, finally.
later, love Mawson xxx

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Unsuitable and Inappropriate messages! -- Karl S. Green, 05:11:29 06/26/01 Tue

Hi Everybody!

I wish to register a complaint!
I find this site inappropriate and unsuitable for small children!
The animal porn i quite enjoy!
But the thinly veiled references to witches in bondage and
"sking the well rounded twin peaks " of mount maud...

I will seek legal action if this continues!

Now i must go and write 84 chapters of shit...

good day to u!

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Dodgy Words -- tabes, 18:52:00 06/22/01 Fri

I made a program to go thru all me webpages and change the links so i wouldnt have to do it manually if me site ever got shut down. and it did, and the program worked to a certain extent, but there are sum minor innaccuracies. For example on quite a lot of the pages the word "The" if on its own with a capital T has turned into the words "The Great". This kind of shenanigans should be ignored, along with the other typing errors lol :o

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sexy flash -- afro eddy, 18:12:59 06/22/01 Fri

nice flash james, very smooth.

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aiiiiiii -- G, 14:49:15 06/05/01 Tue

aiiii lad aint seen u in ages but heard you ad to kick both vickers and coxy's head in!!! while in the taxi! at space on that nite i could swear u was on somting?!? why dint u offer me sum!!! any road see ya on friday for a sesh at the old ball!!!!!!! aiiiiiiiii later bboy G

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well tiny -- tabes, 20:56:26 06/03/01 Sun

2 smart ass "bob" yeah i do know how to delete messages but since the whole thing takes like A MILLIONTH of a second 2 load then i might aswell leave em 4 amusement. lovin it lovin it lovin it

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seat shit -- yitz, 19:05:57 06/02/01 Sat

well funny seat politics, totally true aswell
check me leavers pics out

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to big -- bob, 22:42:43 06/01/01 Fri

u shud delete some of ur messages on ur message board, thats if u know how

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clever -- tabes, 12:16:10 05/29/01 Tue

shit i wonder who wrote the message below hmm let me think
could it be that mosher in yr9 ???

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liteweight -- ardcore raver, 21:34:49 05/28/01 Mon

tabes i hear ur abit of i liteweight, i think this is true. all u have to do is look at u!! p.s ur sites ok

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Why am I STILL left out!!!!!!??????? -- Andy Rob, 09:45:02 05/25/01 Fri

why am I STILL left off the posse list.
You have a pic so damn well put it on!!!!!
Very soon!!!!!!

Andy Rob

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Chris Killabne -- ????, 09:01:35 05/10/01 Thu

aite tabes,
you need a section for chris k like ur ben k section cos chris comes out wid some quality shit like all the time...

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Chris Killabne -- ???, 08:58:29 05/10/01 Thu

aite tabes,
you need a section for chris k like ur ben k section cos chris comes out wid some quality shit like all the time...

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Lost Property -- Little Woody, 10:18:02 05/06/01 Sun

Ere ya dickeads i wanna report sum lost property for fucks sake. I was chinning this lad called Geek or sumat on towny when i swung me arms and me baseball cap which was balancing on the top of me ead fell off and i can't find it. it was a white reebok cap. if you find it bring it to flat 234 on the broadleys or i'll blow up yer house ya faggots

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Lies -- Johnathan Haigh, 07:21:42 05/04/01 Fri

I would like an apology for the blasphemous comments upon this website. I or any of my compadres were not "chinned" by mr.barker as you said. All that happened was i annoyed him so he lamped me and knocked me to the ground picked me up swung me round a few times then knee dropped me. Surely this is not getting chinned!??!

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WHAT A MULLET!!! -- John boy, 09:09:27 04/30/01 Mon


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arittttteeeeee -- markie d, 09:07:45 04/30/01 Mon

arite tabes u havent got a link to hot or not yet! u need to make it somat on ur site bout it! also who is that person?

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Unaccpetable -- Pat Sharp, 15:37:30 04/27/01 Fri

That picture of that boy Simon Blake is unacceptable. If you keep that picture on this site i will be out of a job since thats the best mullet ive ever seen. Please remove it or i will be forced to drive round to your house first picking the yellow tags then the red ones. And i'll set that rooster thing on you.

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Just saying hi -- Abbie Parry, 15:53:54 04/26/01 Thu

Looking good-and the sites not bad either! .Talk to you again sometime, love abbie

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hello, remember me -- Denise, 14:28:31 04/25/01 Wed

just had to leave a message to say hello and congratulate you on a really cool homepage! you rock!

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aaiiiii tabes -- mark dickinson, 14:01:45 04/25/01 Wed

arite tabes,
why do you have that Dan on your web site? i thoguth u didnt like him...oh yeah there woz more pics of me on that nite so where am i, sum mate! your punishment is not having a lift home after work now so there! ha ha ha ha ha ha

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. -- ., 14:44:00 04/24/01 Tue

Newlayz Cru
Bringin It To U
Rippin Up Da Beats
Life On Da Streets

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Injust -- Safraz Kapoor, 19:19:29 04/16/01 Mon

if you guys knew the real story u wunt be takin the mick out of us asians. i woz ravin it up in majeggers but the dj woz playin sum hsit choons so i went up and i started cussin his momma. Johnny Woodgate was requesting sum uk garage flavas and i said to im "wot u on about man, that west coast shit smells ass" and he's like "u know who i am, i is englands goalkeeper" so i is like "wot kind of benda likes socca and uk garage" and he's like look bitch-ass you come outside and i'll kick yer teeth in. So we struts outside and i'm like come on then kewell or wotever ya name is so he swings at me and i duck, give im a low blow to the nackas so hes screamin like a whore on acid and i give im a one inch punch to the head , lift me arms and give im a crane kick and hes like on the floor paintin it red. The only reason i got battered is cos that bitch majeggers bouncer with the fat ass and the bad attitude came up and shes like "no nigga fights outside the club" and she gets medieval on me ass.

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kick sum asain ass -- Lee Bowyer, 21:56:05 04/15/01 Sun

here are a few nice song for all u raverz 2 sing wen ur bored of snake:

1) This is to be sung to the tunes of hokey kokey)

You put ur left boot in, ur right boot in,
you do the jonny woodgate and you kick a paki in.

2) This is to be sung to a typical football chant:

Singin die die safraz safraz die, singin die die safraz safraz die,
singin die die paki, die die paki, kick the fukin paki in the eye.

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come on then punk -- tabes, 19:08:35 04/07/01 Sat

to "the observer" who posted a message here sayin sum bad shit and that they know who i am : come on then gimp name the time and the place. i is rock

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yo -- john, 13:13:07 04/06/01 Fri

Yo tabes i think this site is totally wicked u r such a cool dude. that karyn boy looks like a right gimp!

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whys your sounds screwed -- lalala, 12:46:18 03/30/01 Fri

yo tabes why can i not access your song downloads i keep gettoing this crazy woman telling me that it is forbidden for me to get it? hmmmmm

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[> Re: whys your sounds screwed -- tabes, 19:11:03 03/30/01 Fri

my technical explanation would be that its fucked and that the best thing to do is keep tryin or just go to http://www.bangingtunes.com and check out the hard house vinyl and download a sample of a song by Lovely Lex.
if u r a beat lightweight it might not let u too

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asif -- tabes, 15:58:52 03/23/01 Fri

as if anyone could kick super-teds ass thats just impossible looney talk FOOL
super ted is rock

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banana man -- eric, 23:15:59 03/22/01 Thu

spek 2 the negro nation & all u banana lovas, dis is eric, u mite rememba me from me show- banana man. we u all no dat wen i ad me bananas i became super hero, well i av a confession, i dint really, dat woz just an insight in2 my trip from all da mushrooms id been chompin. but it was a wicked show & kicked supa teds ass.

keep smokin dem skins & if u eva run out of the holy bananas den i can sort u out, iiiiiii

chek ya

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HUMBERSIDE -- GEEK, 12:24:30 03/17/01 Sat

AIIIIIIIIGHT we is now at humberside hacking away with afro eddys vb script.

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Aight everybody!, for decent bootlegs and white labels of dance songs, go to

email: quality@bootlegs.com
pass: quality

run by dixie

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dick u are dead -- tabes, 16:51:28 03/09/01 Fri

ere dick you better get sum protection for saturday cos from what ive heard phils gonna stive your ass bigtime.
Harvey bumslapper ate his mums head cos he was sick of kids chuckin darts in his ass "Did u throw this?!!!!!!!??"

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what??? -- marko dickinson, 11:07:25 03/09/01 Fri

what the heck r u on about? he didnt eat him u weird individual,neway ur not workin on sat - well tight i have to cope with notty and marshall! neway l8rs tabes

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oi -- tabes, 22:00:32 03/07/01 Wed

don't act all sweet and innocent coxy we know what you did

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. -- Da Coxda, 10:06:45 03/05/01 Mon


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Your house aint big? -- jamie tabes, 20:09:35 03/04/01 Sun

10 bedrooms 2 garages a garden which becomes a field - oh yeah its a bramley bedsit!. I'll have u know Harvey Bumslapper didnt just bury his father he killed him and ate part of his brain. Menswear crooooo!

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Your house aint big? -- jamie tabes, 20:09:21 03/04/01 Sun

10 bedrooms 2 garages a garden which becomes a field - oh yeah its a bramley bedsit!. I'll have u know Harvey Bumslapper didnt just bury his father he killed him and ate part of his brain.

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Eh no -- Dicko, 14:14:53 03/01/01 Thu

I think u will find that my house aint big i dont do any shooting or dirnk tea on the lawn. It was Harvey Bumslapper who actually burried his FATHER in his garden whilst collecting his pension for about 2 months (nice one - da man was gettin rich!) but he didnt know hat his dad was dead he thought he was sleepin or sumat - fuckin freak how cant ya SMELL him (think im goin to b sick)neway his dad was fuckin strnage cats used to follow him even my icle pepsi when she was a iccl kitten (bless) well ill c u l8r n i can say i aint workin this weekend so sat nite means major hangover aft work doooooo! SATURDAY NIGHT CREEEEEEWWWW IN DA HOOOOOUUUSSSEEE.

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<> -- <>, 20:10:43 02/04/01 Sun


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[> fuk me thats imaginative -- tabes, 20:09:55 02/05/01 Mon

shit man how long did it take to think of that. i know it was someone who was havin a skegs in the sixth form comp room when we were workin.
i'll get u

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LOL!!!!!!!!!! -- 2hot, 22:32:59 02/01/01 Thu

HAHA i thought you were joking when you said you had pics of u breakdancing Mr DJ!!!!!! Nice site but you havent got any HipHop ;.( laterz

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Fergie Vs Fergie -- Space Promotional Team, 19:15:10 01/21/01 Sun

24th January
The Space Leeds
Fergie vs Fergie
The man's little brother
One more chance to shake his hand like Tabes did...
Be there

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er hm -- andy marshy, 21:09:59 01/20/01 Sat

why, may i ask, is my site not worthy enough of a link?!!!!!

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WICKED' -- andy 'bigup' marshy, 13:28:48 01/20/01 Sat

YOW! pretty cool site, what is goin on this eve? sturday night crew and all dat!

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aiiiiiiiii -- dicko, 10:25:58 01/18/01 Thu

I cant wait until friday now...you better bring, well you know what...aiiiiiiii!
A'rite DJ ya workin this sat, stupid question its stock take day we wont finish until 9ish i reckon, neway later on tabes and lisa

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erm...... -- Lisa, 08:31:54 01/18/01 Thu

oh my god dicko....ur cruisin 4 a bruisin!!!u just wait till friday nite, u little eegit!!

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Aiiiiiii -- Mark Dickinson, 13:23:52 01/17/01 Wed

a'rite nice site but why is lisa callin you a lightweight just coz she is a heavyweight! only messing lisa so dont get angry

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? -- dj toff, 12:14:08 01/15/01 Mon

hey tabes......very good, i mean , not bad n e way.u should check out marshalls web site!!when u gonna put those fotos on......u lightweight!!c u soon, keep up the erm.... stuff.....byexx

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Site -- Anton, 00:59:53 01/11/01 Thu

Very nice site jimbo, Very funny nice to see sum different pics too. needs sum Tunes tho.

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Its OK Ben -- tabes, 22:38:11 01/10/01 Wed

ive moved you up ben but made sure everyone knows that you used to be a lightweight. I'm sure there was a time when you left loads...

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main meal -- Ben Kurrein, 22:22:46 01/10/01 Wed

well funny site, BUT,
i am completely NOT a fucking lightweight. (see main meal section)
I ALWAYS finish my meal.
Phil and Tsoi have been labelled heavyweights AND what about the time when tsoi didn't eat his pudding? or when phil didn't finish his Tikka?????????
This is OUTRAGEOUS, it is not an accurate portrayal of the main meal member's degree of hardcore.

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ai -- Step-hen, 20:22:21 01/10/01 Wed

Hey James, fukin nice site! It made me chuckle for a good half hour. The Newlaithez section is quality.

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Whoa -- Tabes, 19:55:02 01/10/01 Wed

Easy don't all rush at once to leave messages i can't handle it.

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Aight -- Tabes, 19:04:25 01/08/01 Mon


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