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Date Posted: 19:57:56 12/10/02 Tue
Author: Steph
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Re: update for today 11.19.02
In reply to: Khmaiylah (Nina) 's message, "update for today 11.19.02" on 12:24:18 11/19/02 Tue

Well, Nina school is going ok almost done with this term. Yes REamra treating me right but once in a while he is to busy for me cuz of you his work. How are you doing? So my b/f said that to you? Hm

WEll, got to go finish my homework have to make a poetry book for my english class.

>hey everyone ish me again hehe just stop by because i
>finished up all my work in class now have a lil morer
>then 30 mins. so how's everyone else doing today? gosh
>i'm soo tired i end up starting my day hella late woke
>up around 8 instead of my normaly time at 6. i guess
>becaues i was working late last night i didn't get
>back home until one this morning and i had stayed up
>intil four in the morning because of homework gosh i'm
>just soo ahhhh right now.. i donno what to do schools
>gone crazy and works....gosh i can't say much bad
>things on that..shyt if u got payed 12 an hour would u
>hehe.. but i donno i was talking with my spanish
>teacher today and she told me i have no luck in school
>that i should just drop out again and just try to get
>my GED instead of my deploma from high school. it's
>crazy i was suprized when i heard that from her and
>it's my own teacher now. but i guess it's the best
>choice out of some other things like dropping out of
>school for good but that would be the last thing i
>would do before i would even think of moving on in
>life. so steph how's school going for u hun? is ramzi
>treating u good? i'm happy for u two i can see ur
>future now hehe.. kids...happy lives.. aww!! helina
>how are u and ur yellow banana doing now? when i saw
>that picture u look beatiful like a khmer princess.
>ooo old days.. soo much memories... i remember when me
>and bong peakaday use to post things up on here for
>each other.. yea fantacy lives on here...too bad
>things didn't work out between me and him. o well life
>goes on u live u learn.. hey ramzi u still think i
>need to be blessed? hehe i remember that one day u
>posted that up. gosh my souls as sweet as a suger cane
>hehe... i couldn't believe u said i was freakyer then
>ur girl.. plz i know what u and oun steph be doing..
>eh i don't even want to think about u two freaky
>people lol.. but u two are very great people to have
>each other. well i better end this before i start
>writing a book hehe..well i'll update this later k
>everyone have a nice day muah* bye :)

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