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Date Posted: 10:50:50 07/12/03 Sat
Author: christine
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Subject: Re: khmer luv poem (dun hate)
In reply to: e khmer 's message, "khmer luv poem (dun hate)" on 09:01:18 02/09/03 Sun

i like your peom i think it has a strong point of view of love.did u experienced it yourself?>every time I see you,
>Each moment I touch you,
>My emotions run stronger,
>my heart beats faster,
>Yet I hold it all back,
>Becuase I don’t wanna feel anymore pain,
>I don’t want anymore waterfalls running down my
>I was scared that you would just pour my feelings down
>the drain,
>But you told me that you wont ever do that,
>And all this time you thought I didn’t care,
>I care for you more than the whole universe itself,
>More than the sun
>the moon,
>the sky,
>baby I would risk my life for you,
>don’t ever worry about me not caring for you,
>Because that would be impossible to do,
>My whole heart is for you,
>and only you,
>You don’t have to worry about me leaving,
>hunnie from the moment I started to feel for you,
>I thought I would die if I could never have you,
>I’ll cherish my moments with you till the very end,
>But for some reason I can’t show these feelings
>So use to holding it in,
>The only way I can show it,
>Is with paper and pen.

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  • Re: khmer luv poem (dun hate) -- Patrick vanara t., 12:52:49 08/15/03 Fri

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