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Subject: amungst the river

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Date Posted: 00:41:11 11/03/02 Sun

a raging river flows wildly crashing over the rocks. Suddenly there is a little bleating cry for help as a tiny black filly is tossed amungst the powerful waves. Another bleating cry as she is dunked under the water again. She struggles and manages to scramble to the side but is too weak to pull her self out. She collapes on the back. her 2 front feet stretched out and her delicate head laying on them, the rest of her body being pulled by the strong current.

Name: (dosen't have one)
Age: 1 week old
Gender: filly
Breed: angalo arab
past: was slashing on the river when the current washed her away. Her parents where grazing nearby but could do nothing for her, with out help soon she will die. Her mother was evil and her father was nuetral. Her path lies undecided, it depends on how she's raised, if she survives.

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LooksDuece04:48:54 11/03/02 Sun

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