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Subject: Re: Italian Imported Scoots for Sale

ian mcvicker
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Date Posted: Thu, Jul 13 2006, 22:49:11
In reply to: robert cox 's message, "Re: Italian Imported Scoots for Sale" on Thu, Jun 15 2006, 9:02:26

do you ever get li specials mate 125 or 150? been after one for a few years now to restore. regards ian.>>>>over there however, some of them will make great cheap
>>restorations and a Lammy is a Lammy right?
>>I have at the moment half a dozen Li's and a j50. 3 of
>>the Li's are series 3's and they need a full
>>restoration. They are going for £450 each they are
>>completish apart from side panels, also there is a
>>series 2 and a series 1. The series one will make a
>>nice bike, engine turns and its complete except for
>>the kick start, its gotta be £550.
>>I will be bringing more back next month, another five
>>Li's and a pile of Vespas and the prices depend on the
>>condition. Also there may be some bits available but
>>TV's, SX's and GP's and the engines for these bikes
>>are rare as hell so the answer to 'can you get an
>>SX200 cheap?' is a resounding NO, cos there arent any
>>and if there were Gino, Paulo and Guiseppe and the
>>gang will want to swap your house, wife, kids, car and
>>complete bank balance for it and then take turns in
>>riding your granny (in other words they know what
>>people here will pay for 'em).
>>No traders please, these bikes arent going at trader
>>prices. I cant promise anything but give me a ring on
>>07720 464405 if your interested.
>Do you still have the series 1 for sale

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Subject Author Date
Re: Italian Imported Scoots for SaleKevLSat, Nov 04 2006, 18:39:02

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