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Date Posted: 18:55:48 11/16/02 Sat
Author: Wiseblood
Author Host/IP: 1Cust84.tnt5.greensboro.nc.da.uu.net /
Subject: I didn't have any real idea...
In reply to: ~ Angel Firefly ~ 's message, "For those who have seen "Ariel" only (spoilers)...." on 03:51:02 11/16/02 Sat

but they laid the groundwork for at least two people to be unaccounted for early on (Shepherd and Inara). Both had good excuses (Shepherd went to Bathgate Abbey, and Inara went for an annual exam), though; if there'd been anything fishy, Mal would've likely picked up on it.

I did wonder about the way they acquired the medic suits and material for I.D. cards, though. Jayne couldn't have known that Mal would pick him to go to Ariel, so he had to have made his decision to betray Simon and River on the spur of the moment. I didn't get that in the first viewing, but going back we see him getting off the Telofonix monitor in the street, then shortly the man with bags comes by for the drop-off. Mal's voice-over made us think it was a standard money for goods kind of thing, when really Jayne's phone call had been to the Feds and not back to the ship. They just left it up to him how to get the stuff, and Jayne, being practical, saw his opportunity to be rid of the passengers and make a lot of money at the same time.

My only problem is that Jayne would honestly trust anyone from the Federation. Why didn't he think he'd be arrested too, simply by association? He almost got the entire Firefly crew killed, if the Blue Men had figured out they were who was protecting River. Risky. I'd like to understand exactly what it is between Mal and Jayne that causes Mal to keep him on board, when now he knows Jayne is completely untrustworthy. I hope there's some serious fallout between the characters from this episode. (Things should get more interesting between Simon and Jayne now, since Simon looks on Jayne as a hero. Still more interesting, will River tell her brother what she saw? I think she's psychic and therefore realized Jayne was going to betray them...)

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