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Date Posted: 07:51:21 10/20/02 Sun
Author: Cobalt Blue
Author Host/IP: cache-rl05.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Who will Joss kill first? Also, the first ever ships...

Nine people is a very large cast and this makes me wonder. Will Joss kill someone off early? Probably, considering that what he does. He'll make us love a particular character *cough*Tara!*cough* and then he kills them for the sake of a storyline. I think that is brilliant writing, as he has said before, "Storylines aren't always about what we want". But it is still sad to watch someone whose life you have shared for an hour each week die in order to further the storyline for the rest of the cast.

So who will it be then? Malcom Reynolds? In most likelihood I'd say no 'cuz he's the Captain, but you never know with Joss. Last week's 'Jaynestown' showed a side to Jayne we'd yet to see. Perhaps he may have to give his own life for the crew. The season arc is dependent upon River so I'd say her and Simon are safe, even though if one were to die as a result of the Academy it may drive the other to revenge, setting the main course of the finale. I hope River does not die though, she is my favorite. Kaylee isn't all that important, but she is one of my favorites as well, as cute as she is. But really, I'm leaning toward Wash or Zoe. Happy couples, to Joss, are boring. So a death of either one of these would not surprise me.

That's all I have to say about death. Now, the fun part. The first ever ships for 'Firefly'! Choose your favorite and stay loyal.

Mal/Safron(dependent upon her return)=Mafron

I'm a big Minara ship. In fact, I claim the rights to be Captain of the Minara ship. This may change in time for me because it's the Inara seems the only logical love interest for Mal currently, but I really enjoy how they play off each other.

-Cobalt Blue

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