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Date Posted: 21:03:08 02/27/05 Sun
Author: USF Fan
Subject: Re: USF GAME
In reply to: HillTopHoops 's message, "Re: USF GAME" on 18:59:46 02/27/05 Sun

I must agree with my fellow USFer, you guys wish that you were louder than us...and as for us rescuing the don, we would like to thank you for making the contribution to our bookstore...how much was that thing? $15? Well its at my apartment now..thanks for the keepsake...see you in the second round!

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[> [> Re: USF GAME -- USF fan, 21:55:41 02/27/05 Sun

Oh, and one more thing in regards to your safety school comment, Santa Clara's average GPA was a 3.2 last year and USF held a 3.45...so not only are we better ballers, but were smarter too
>Your serious? Im sorry Mr.Rider, it was a good effort
>but you were by no means louder. Each chant that you
>attempted to use against USF was stopped with a much
>more creative and louder one coming from the Locos.
>"High School Gym" - USF chants "We've Got Banners"
>"This is our house"- Just wasent very good, no one
>heard that. Not to mention you lost the game.
>"Safety School" - USF Chants "Sccooore Boarrd" Im
>pretty sure we were at a basketball game. Not a GPA
>In addition, Los Locos used chants such as "Dons Ride
>Horses",and "Buck the Froncos" (even had shirts made).
>The Locos resuced the Don you attempted to hang (a
>copy of the Bronco hanging by USF fans)Also the
>sacrifice of the Bronco, acquisition of the Ruff Rider
>shirt out did anything you all attempted to do.
>It was a nice showing,fun to watch. No need to claim
>things that just aren't true.

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[> [> [> Re: USF GAME -- RUFFRIDER4LIFE, 22:39:37 02/27/05 Sun

USF FAN, first of all your school sucks and you know it. Wait to see if you can beat Portland and then think about having the guts to run around in our house.

You need to get a new gym (cuz my garage is nicer), new chearleaders, and a new dance team.

If your chearleaders are an indication of the girls that go to USF... then SCU is the PLAYBOY MANSION and USF is a MANATEE TREATMENT CENTER. Enough said.

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[> [> [> [> Re: USF GAME -- USF Fan, 23:46:41 02/27/05 Sun

Our Gym has tradition and history, something your school has none of...and its being renovated so shut up...we know about the cheer team and no it is not an indication of the girls at usf. And how about you talk some shit about our team...oh wait you cant...we kicked your asses twice

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