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Date Posted: 16:30:36 02/12/05 Sat
Subject: Re: ESPN Board
In reply to: T Huckaby 's message, "ESPN Board" on 07:32:37 02/07/05 Mon

Well, this is my first time posting to the website, but, I would love to share my insight. As a fellow Bronco, I do know one thing. Sounds as if none of you have ever played college basketball or athletics for that matter.
Also sounds as if you have some magical formula for determining potential that turns into actuality when kids are in high school (please share). Especially when it comes to big men, because in high school where they usually dont touch the ball, can you tell me how to determine how successful they will 'actually' be in college. Recruiting is based on potential before actualization when you are dealing with a mid major program. And every program with the exception of Gonzaga is a mid major program in the WCC. Why isnt Gonzaga on the real scale of things, well, because they are a different program. If you've ever been to Spokane for a game, you would understand exactly the difference. constant sold out games, every restaurant in town has some sort of Zag reference. This is not a result of them over the past 5 years, they have always been like that..now, they just have the financial backing and national exposure to justify it, which leads to...higher potential involvement in recruiting (think JP Batista). No other team in the league could have been involved seriously with Batista because no other team is a nationally recognized team, so they will ALWAYS have an advantage in terms of recruiting.

Now, think academics...How many of love the fact that your degree from SCU merits so much. Do you know what it takes to get into SCU as a high school student? Do you know what it requires to get in as a JC student? SCU merits one hell of a degree, but, that kills the Broncs in terms of recruiting, similar to Stanford. I mean, if you were a great player with high academic standings and both SCU and STanford were recruiting you, think realistically, where would you go?

>Hello fellow Broncos.

>Some great stuff on this board - wish I would have
>known about it sooner.
>Not sure if any of you know about this, but there's a
>pretty funny WCC board on espn.com... check it out...
>there's some fun banter back and forth with Zags,
>Gaels, etc.
>BTW, Davey's contract is up, and word is he will not
>be rewnewed.. but they want HIM to step down... you
>know it's not our style to fire coaches.
>As much as I like the man - and I do - enough is
>enough. We've been mediocre for WAY to long and it
>remains sinful how we failed to capitalize on the Nash
>era. It's also very frustrating to watch us get killed
>by Gonzaga in recruiting while we have a better school
>in a better location with a bette long-term history.
>I know their recent success breeds more success in
>recruiting, so I can understand us being a bit behind
>them... but we aren't even CLOSE lately.
>Rant over. Go check out the espn board.
>SCU '85

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[> [> Welcome Ruff -- JCard, 17:54:35 02/12/05 Sat

Great having another voice at the site. Hope you continue to contribute your insights. Its great that the board is seeing some increased traffic. In terms of the different 'mind set' at Gonzaga, do you think that it's becuase of geography? Every other WCC team is in a large metropolitan center. The Zags look like they are the focus of the community- the only game in town..

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[> [> Re: ESPN Board -- Disgruntled Bronco Fan, 14:50:16 02/14/05 Mon

Hey RuffRider,

You're correct. We haven't played college basketball. But as a fellow alum, I think I'm entitled to expect more from my school's basketball team. As for the Zags, they gained national exposure thanks to their magical run to the Elite 8 a few years back. They took advantage of that run to recruit better prospects. This is where SCU failed in the Nash-era. They did not take advantage of this time in terms of recruiting when we were in more of a national spotlight. There is no magical formula for success. But when you look at college basketball as a whole...not just the WCC, having the right people running your program can turn your team from also-rans into contenders overnight. Case in point, the job Randy Bennett is doing at St. Mary's. We do not hate Dick Davey on this board. We think he's a good coach. But we are tired of the mediocrity that has hovered over the SCU program for some years now.

By the way, JCard is right. The city of Spokane lives and breathes Zags basketball because there is nothing else out there.

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