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Re: Hey GoBroncs -- Tom Huckaby, 22:00:23 02/24/05 Thu
I trust you saw the debacle at the Jenny this evening?
My friend, what more evidence do you need?
I guess you are content with mediocrity. I, and several others here, are not.
You assume these new recruits are going to pan out and be great - why? I'm supposed to get all excited about the 89th best player in Texas? A Ron Reis lookalike from Pinole? The third best player on a good Santa Cruz team? What's actually sad is relative to the awful talent we've had in the last decade, this class DOES look good! But please. Compare these to Gonzaga's recruits and then tell me how great we're gonna be. I'm sorry my friend - I'll believe it when this translates to some Ws.
And yes, 2nd place in the WCC is a decent result, the type we ought to expect to achieve most years. So tell me 66, when is the last time we even sniffed 2nd place?
And btw, just how has Gonzaga's success helped us in recruiting? Good lord man are you THAT blind? Recruits we used to get now don't even consider us.... and on top of that, the disparity between us and Gonzaga is SO wide, that even if for the sake of argument you say we've gotten some higher quality players, well it doesn't matter because relative to them the gap is wider!
You also give all these IFs... IF we did this, IF we had that.. well the fact is NONE of that has happened, and we sit here with a mediocre team YET again, the constant of the post-Nash era.
My friend, I wish I had your blind faith and cheerful optomism - I really do. But for the sake of our program - for the sake of returning to some sort of power, rather than the blah mediocrity we have had for a decade, Davey must go.
You want to see what he can do with these recruits? Why? So we can talk yet again next year, and the year after, about how he's making the most out of our sub-par talent?
We need a new direction. It is SO crystal clear.
But I guess you like .500 teams. I just don't get it.
ps - my apologies for the harsh tone in this - I know you mean well. But tonight's loss was SO brutal... and this year's team has been SO inconsistent... well... I am rather frustrated as I type this.
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PS -- Tom Huckaby, 22:08:18 02/24/05 Thu
Well la di freakin' da, as I type this SMC has just pulled out the win over USF in triple OT, assuring us of finishing no worse than 4th and getting our first ever first-round bye.
I guess huge congratulations and a contract extension are in order for Davey. Way to go! 4th place! Jee, if we manage to beat a mediocre USF team, oh boy, maybe we can even get third... I am just jumping for joy and bursting with pride.
Why anyone can be happy with this remains a mystery to me. Our school is better than this, our facilities are better than this, our media presence is better than this, our history is better than this, hell damn near every other sport we have is better than this. Why mediocrity is not only accepted but by some people even celebrated is the great head-scratcher of all time.
We can do better! We ought to do better! Hell we deserve better...
End of rant.
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Re: PS -- bronco85, 09:40:53 02/25/05 Fri
I have to agree with Mr. Huckaby. I almost went off on a diatribe last evening when it looked like USF would win thus putting in peril of not attaining our "dream" finish in the Top four of the league. Fortunately my years have taught me to get out of the moment prior to sending emails.
I now truly think that Davey is coaching to save his job. Anything less than winning the WCC tourney and I think we move onto greener pastures. The sad thing is that there is a small part of me now that is looking for a nose dive to cement the deal. This part will never overtake my rooting for the Broncos to win but.... the thought of perpetual .500 years is enough to make me ill.
I also am having difficulty with this huge optimism for next year. Doron Perkins and Kyle Bailey are arguably both in the top 5 guards and top 10 players in the league. When they play poor it is because the have to do too too much because of inadequacies elsewhere on the roster. THEY ARE BOTH SENIORS, WHO IS GOING TO HELP NIESSEN NEXT YEAR! THIS WAS THE YEAR AND WE ARE 14-14!
Lets face it, the best case scenario for next year is .500 again. That is assuming that Denison eats his Wheaties and gets scoring average over 5 pts. per game.
All logical thought points to continued mediocrity. My fear is that this is acceptable to Coonan.....
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Re: PS -- bronco85, 09:51:52 02/25/05 Fri
>Oh, and I forgot to answer Huckaby's question:
Last finish better than 3rd place is 96-97 year.
I also think we have been shortsighted in comparing the Broncos in the context of the WCC. In looking at Bay Area teams the ranking would be as follows:
1. Pacific
2. ST. Mary's/Stanford (tie)
3. USF/Santa Clara/Cal
4. San Jose State
this would be acceptable if we had had success the last five to seven years. We know Cal is just having a down year among many good years, USF has better things ahead, St. Mary's with no facilities has positive momentum. I fear if we continue on the same course the " city rivalry' game with SJS will perpetually be the barometer of worst team in the Bay Area.
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Re: PS -- Tom Huckaby, 10:03:05 02/25/05 Fri
Well 85, these are all great points obviously and it also should be very obvious that I concur 100%.
The question is, will our pleas fall once again on deaf ears, as they have for oh so long?
It kinda hurts when we have pollyanas like 66 here to combat. I mean this as no offense - I'm sure 66 is a great guy and dammit, there can't be much wrong with someone who loves Bronco hoops - but this is the type of thinking that keeps us in perpetual mediocrity.
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Re: PS -- bronco67, 11:13:54 02/25/05 Fri
TH and 85 are right on. Davey (and Seandel) have got to go. Coonan's a puppet, so don't hold your breath.
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Re: PS -- bronco85, 08:53:15 02/28/05 Mon
>Postscript to SCU debacle at USF.
Two best players are Perkins and Bailey so impossible to see how we should be better next year. THIS WAS THE YEAR!
Weakest 3rd place team in WCC in ages. There are miles and miles of distance between 3rd place and 2nd this year so third is no grand accomplishment.
Davey's record the past 4 years is now 56-61. If one feels SCU's potential/resources are middle of pack WCC then lets call it a job well done.
I hope Coonan is not the puppet Bronco67 thinks (knows?).
The question is, how long does the hall pass last from '95 -'96 with Nash?
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Re: PS -- SCU06, 16:05:27 02/28/05 Mon
How can one say that this is the biggest gap between 2nd and 3rd place team in ages when the 3rd place team swept the 2nd place team? In no way am I supporting Davey for a contract extentsion because I firmly believe he should be canned in favor of Bill Grier from Gonzaga. This year's league has a lot of parity in it. Teams are playing hard and the talent level has increased from year's past (thanks to Gonzaga). The real question is, is Connan satisfied with having a 3-5 place team every year or does he want to have a team that finishes in the top 2 every year? SCU has the facilities now its a matter if they can get the coaches and players.
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Re: PS -- bronco85, 16:47:16 02/28/05 Mon
>11-3 vs. 7-7 record shows a huge gap. Without the two unexplainable victories over the Gaels it looks much worse. A 7-7 record is not top of the league material, it is the definition of average. With two wins over the Gaels is really disgraceful to only be .500.
Overall I would be content with a program that has the occasional 4-5-6 finish but most years is in the top 3 (with 3rd place representing a better than .500 record.
If (a big if!) the Broncos and Gaels meet on Sunday night who are you putting your money on?
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Re: PS -- SCU06, 18:13:26 02/28/05 Mon
I think the gap be explained by Davey's inability to get the team up for games that we should win. Ie the Pep game here when after the game Perkins said, oh well just another game. This is not the attitude of winners, its the attitude of a team that could care less about what happens on the court.
By the way I would put everything on SMC to win if we play them because there is no way we can beat them 3 times they are just to good. However at SCU shoudl help.
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