Date Posted:21:42:42 09/28/04 Tue Author:Jeremy Sheldon Subject: Re: fuel system/'90 bronco II In reply to:
's message, "fuel system/'90 bronco II" on 16:55:03 08/28/03 Thu
>I a '90 Bonco II with fuel injection v6. It was
>running ok then on a hot day it started to act like it
>was starving for fuel but got me home. When I went to
>start it again it would just run then die and now it
>will only crank until very cool then start and die. I
>bought it used 2 years ago so I have no manual. Could
>this be a vapor lock, or fuel filter? If so, where are
>the fuel filters on this beast?
>I sure could use any help as far as links on where
>filters are at or advice as to what the problem could
>thanks, Wil
Wil did you ever figure out what was wrong with you fuel system because I am having the same problem mine will crank until it get's warm then shut off and i have to let it sit and crank it when it is cold and as soon as it gets warm I have to turn it off again if you have figured out what the problem is could you let me know because I am just shot out on what to do